44: Bond

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I hung up, while my blood boiled so hard inside my veins that I was afraid it was going to burst, before I would vent out my anger on a stranger named Woohyun.

My eyes remained open and wide while my minds kept wondering what the heck she was doing with him. I was beyond pissed and my fist clenched around my phone so hard that it threatened to break it if I didn’t loosen my grip on it.

I was hoping that I would feel more sad and devastated that she was already spending time with another guy but surprisingly I was feeling angry and betrayed, why?

Because here I was having trouble with getting her out of my mind while I tried to promote to reassure I had a bright future, while she was going out with guys. It would have been awful enough if she was having a girl’s night out to get me off of her mind but she was going out with a guy. I suddenly detested guys and frowned for hating my own gender.

Perhaps I deserved it but I expected a lot from her. Obviously that was my mistake to think that she was innocent enough to keep herself away from guys when we had an event of huge misunderstandings. Does she even want to fix this? Has she already given up?

I admit that I was being a jerk to her and I know she despised me but believe me when I say this because it might sound like a complete lie, but she softened up for me. I just know it. From the way her eyes flickered away when we had eye contact out of embarrassment or the way her cheeks turned rosy when I gave her a smile; I know she softened up. It may seem like all that happened effortlessly but it took a lot from my side to make her even relax when she was around me.

I let out a deep breath while staring at the wall so hard that my gaze could bore a hole in the wall. I was determined now.

I’m not going to let my hard effort go to waste. I don’t deserve this because it’s all a big misunderstanding that prevents me from feeling happiness.

But most importantly; she doesn’t deserve this either. I don’t think I can live on while knowing that she thinks I was just playing around with her, thinking that she wasn’t special, because I wasn’t and I’m not going to either. I used to be a heartbreaker but that changed when she came around.

She needs to know everything. And right now with Woohyun in the picture; I need to know everything as well.


Sam’s POV.

I sighed deeply while I stared at my own reflection in the mirror, blinking. I rested the palm of my hands on the edges of the oval sink while going closer to the mirror, scrutinizing my face and taking note of all the blemishes on my face. My eyes were still a little bit swollen and the area under my eyes was still red. My eyes felt a little bite sore too because I’ve never cried nonstop this much in my life.

I cleansed my face with cold water before taking the small towel Hana gave me before she made me walk in to the bathroom to fix myself. She called over her neighbor Woohyun as well to accompany me later and I sighed at the thought of spending time with him.

Being me, I didn’t really socialize with a lot of people unlike Hana whom love to get to know more people. She and Woohyun really fit since they were as similar but something about Woohyun irked me. Maybe it was because he would blurt out a rude comment about me now and then, annoying me on purpose because he knew I took it lightly or perhaps it’s the fact that he reminded me a lot of my little brother, even though Woohyun is the same age as me.

He reminded me of Hunter because I basically had to hang around him even though he irritated the hell out of me. But there have been moments where he made me smile or made me feel better thanks to his encouraging words when he knew I wasn’t feeling good.

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