52: Love

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Kai’s POV.

I woke up to an empty bed.

It scared me at first because I was expecting a certain female next to me, snoring a little while sleeping in a weird position.

She had strange sleeping habits.

Until Sam came, I was a heavy sleeper. You could kick me all you wanted and I would still sleep like a log but then she came, making me wake up in the middle of the night just because she started sleep talking.

She would mumble sometimes while frowning in her sleep. I would just look at her before shaking my head in absurdity and go back to sleep, but not before embracing her in a hug.

I squinted with my eyes before looking at the digital clock on my night stand. It was ten minutes until eleven. Although I just woke up, I still couldn’t stop thinking about how I didn’t notice her leaving my room. Maybe I had grown used to her.

I rolled over and landed on the pillow she was sleeping on. It smelled like her, making me hug it before inhaling her intoxicating scent. I had become addicted to it now.

“Wake up, Master Jongin. It’s almost time for lunch.”

I frowned before looking up, only to see the head maid coming in. I didn’t notice her even opening the door until she started speaking out loud. She started picking up some of my clothes scattered on the floor. She quickly threw it inside one of her baskets that she was supporting between her arm and her hip.

“I’m awake,” I muttered. I cleared my throat because it cracked a little, making my voice disappear for a millisecond in the middle of the sentence.

“Miss Sam and your parents are waiting for you downstairs.”

“Alright, I’ll get up now,” I replied before sitting up. I stretched my body before putting on some slippers that was neatly placed next to my bed.

I started getting goosebumps on my body because I had left the warm air on my bed. I looked down on my stomach, watching the small hairs rise up from the chilly air. When I arrived in the bathroom, I looked at my reflection before flexing my stomach, eyeing the bumps that become more visible with a proud grin on my face.

I tried to fix my tousled hair while I was biting on my toothbrush to make it stay in place. A few drops of toothpaste foam started to drip on my chest making me frown. I was so clumsy sometimes, it was annoying. While going closer to the toilet seat to take some toilet paper to wipe it off, the door cracked open.

“Do you need help?” Sam asked me while looking at me strangely since I looked like I was having a hard time.

My hair was a complete mess while my chest and mouth was covered in toothpaste foam, tiredness still visible in my eyes. I was staring at looking at her with a confused expression. No wonder she looked at me strangely.

I couldn’t respond as I was biting down on my toothbrush. She chuckled before walking over to the faucet and sitting close to it on the countertop.

I watched her rock her milky legs back and forth while grinning at me, making her eyes almost close completely. It was funny because she usually never looks playful.

She was wearing a pair of black knitted shorts and a thin white t-shirt that she tucked inside her shorts. Although she dressed simple, she looked stunning.

I walked over to the faucet before spitting out the rest of the toothpaste.

“What are you doing here?” I said almost inaudibly while continuing to brush my teeth, looking at my reflection before turning my attention to her. I could tell she was trying hard not to stare at my body because she kept focusing on my face really hard. She usually never look at my face when we talk because eye contact creeps her out. The faint red blush on her cheekbones told me she had watched me enough for today – and it was only morning.

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