01 | Liam

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01 - Beginning of autumn

It was a cold and stormy day in Manhattan. The streets were busier then ever do to the ugly weather, the rain was pouring down the dark gray sky, the wind was harshly blowing through the streets, causing the strong trees to bend a little. The different colored leaves were flying along the wind, people were dressed in different colored raincoats to keep them dry from the rain, some even having umbrellas with them which wasn't such a good idea due to the storm that was going on.

Liam was swiftly moving around the diner, clearing up and wiping down the empty tables. She hummed along to the Jackson 5 song, I want you back, that was playing through the diner from an old jukebox in the back of the daily restaurant while placing the dirty dishes in a blue box she was holding.

A relived sigh left her lips once she headed behind the counter, placing the heavy box with all the dirty dishes that were left behind after the breakfast rush they had earlier this morning.

She looked out the big windows and watched as the cars all rushed down the wet streets, the puddles of water that build up on the side of the sidewalk they hit, landing on a few people who ended up cursing after the driver. She shook her head at that before picking the box back up and carrying it towards the kitchen, pushing the door open with her back.

"Well, today is shît" Her best friend and roommate, Natasha, scoffed, a small pout placed on her lips as she dropped the dish rag on the metal counter beside the stove and fryers.

"God I know, it's like New York just got even more rude" Liam chuckled softly, placing the box beside the sink. She started filling it up with water and put a drop of dish soap in it before starting to wash the dishes while the dishwasher was still busy cleaning up the rest.

Natasha and Liam have known each other since they were in diapers, always sticking together side by side, through thick and thin, kindergarten to now. They've always been there for each other no matter what, even after their drunk accident, but no one was really complaining about that honestly.

Natasha huffed and walked up behind her, wrapping her arms around her like a baby koala and pressing the side of her face against her shoulder. "I don't wanna work anymore" She whined softly, stomping her foot like a five year old who wouldn't get her lollipop.

Liam rolled her eyes at that and got her to stop whining by flicking a bit of soap water into her face, causing her to also squeak at that. "Liam!" Natasha playfully glared at her when the brunette started laughing softly at that.

"Sorry" She grinned innocently before turning her attention back to the dishes. "I just wanted you to finally shut up and help me get the dishes done before we get more customers. We're the only employees here today because Calum's sick at home with the flu and Nina has a day off. And you know the cook's wife's in labor" She explained to the pouting girl beside her, glancing at her.

The dark haired girl grumbled before grabbing another dry dishrag, helping her best friend out with the dishes. "Why can't I be sick with the flu?"

"Because I don't wanna take care of your lazy âss and I thank god that he didn't make you sick" Liam replied, chuckling as she handed her a perfectly white yet wet plate. "Oh how generous of you to say that to your practically little sister" Natasha said, sarcasm clearly written in her voice. She huffed and gave Liam a look while snatching the plate out of her hand and mumbling something under her breath that Liam couldn't quite catch.

But she just rolled her eyes and shook her head at her friend, smiling softly before placing more clean dishes on the counter beside the sink.

"So, me and the girls are heading out tonight. You wanna come?" Natasha asked her, looking up at the other.

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