14 | Zayn

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14 - Rainbow heart shaped pancakes and daddy

It was about four hours later when Zayn woke up again, his eyes landing on Liam sleeping body beside him. So it wasn't a dream. Last night really happened. He smiled softly at the peaceful sight of her sleeping, leaning down to press a soft kiss to her shoulder.

He moved his lips up to her head, softly pressing another kiss on her cheek before untangling his legs from her and slowly removing his hand from hers. He slowly sat up, reaching down and grabbed his briefs. He slid them on, glancing at Liam before getting up and heading downstairs.

Zayn rubbed at his jaw, licking his lips with a small grin as he walked into the kitchen area, starting up the coffee machine. He hummed softly and got two mugs out of the top cabinet, placing them aside. He got everything else he needed for breakfast.

He turned on the the stove, starting the pancake batter, using his mothers special recipe. The pancakes he used to love to eat before school. He poured the finished batter into different small bowls, whisking them with food coloring together before cooking some turkey bacon along. He was humming softly to a song that was stuck in his head.

The man flipped the pancakes, placing the finished ones on a plate that was in the often, to keep them warm. He even shaped them into small hearts for Liam, as girly as it may seem. But he didn't mind, he wanted to make this breakfast perfect for her.

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around his waist, making him jump a little in surprise and tense a little. But he soon relaxed when soft lips pressed against his back, a soft smile forming his lips. "Good morning beautiful" He hummed softly, melting into the brunettes touch.

"Morning" He heard Liam's soft voice mumble against his skin, feeling go her hands gently rubbed at his tanned abs.

"How did you sleep love?" Zayn asked her, putting the rest of the pancakes into the oven and making the eggs.
"Amazing" Liam hummed with a soft smile, moving her lips up to the tattoo on the back of his neck.

Zayn smiled. "That's good babe" He turned around and wrapped his arms around her neck, Liam looking up at the man. "It is" She grinned and leaned up on her toes, pecking his lips.

Zayn kissed her back almost immediately, moving his hands down her back. "Last night was amazing" Liam mumbled against his lips, running her hands down to his lower back, slowly slipping her hands into his boxers.

Zayn hummed in agreement and smirked a little at the placement of her hands. "Definitely" He licked his lips once he pulled away, pushing her against the counter across from the stove, earning a small giggle from the brunette.

"Already searching for another round?" She asked with a smirk, one of her eyebrows raised. "Mm who knows, maybe I am" He smirked and roamed his eyes over her body. That's when he noticed she was wearing one of his dress shirts which was honestly a little too big for her curves.

"I have to be honest with you, you look good in my clothes" Zayn hummed and spun her around a little, Liam laughing softly. "You said that before"

"I did?"

"About a week ago" Liam sang with a dorky grin, slipping out of his arms and stepped in front of the stove to turn the cooking eggs before they would burn.

Zayn chuckled softly and wrapped his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on top of her head.

His hands were placed on her hips, rubbing circles on them with his thumbs. "You have work today?"

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