15 | Liam

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15 - Hero of the day

Liam walked out of Zayn's apartment with a smirk and her lip between her teeth, her hair all tangled up. She turned around to face her man who was smoothly leaning against his doorway. "I'll see you later then?" She asked him, leaning up a little.

"Course princess" Zayn grinned, leaning his head down and capturing her lips in one more seething kiss. Liam hummed and cupped his cheek before pulling away with one more peck. "Bye my prince" She giggled softly before heading down the hallway.

"Bye beautiful" Zayn watched her leave with a soft smile, biting his lips before heading back inside.

Liam licked her lips and smiled widely to herself, quickly unlocking her door and walking inside, closing it once she has entered it. She sighed dreamily, leaning against the wooden door and slowly sliding down while biting away her smile.

She still didn't know how lucky she got with a guy like Zayn. He was a dream, every girls dream. And she ended up with him. She felt like a teenager again around him. And it felt amazing.

"Well look who's happy" The brunette looked up when she heard Natasha's voice, making her blush. "Was he that good?"

"Very good" Liam giggled and licked her lips, biting down on her bottom lip. "Well, judging by your screaming last night and this morning, must have been. Tell me, is he big?" Natasha grinned, wiggling her eyebrows at the brunette.

"Yes, god yes" Liam said and laughed, walking up to her. "It was so amazing. He was so sweet and hot and ugh I can't I resisted him for so long" She started fanning herself with her hand, having a dorky grin on her lips.

"How good was he with his tongue? Did you suck him off? Did you do it doggy style?"

"I'm not gonna answer more questions, you already know enough" Liam laughed softly and shook her head. "C'mon, we have to get ready now"

"But Leeyum" Natasha whined. "I'm your best friend, I wanna know everything" She pouted and followed Liam upstairs.

"If you're a good girl and work extra hard today, I might tell you how this morning went" Liam said and grinned, heading to her room.

Natasha squeaked like a little kid and quickly ran to her room, getting ready.
Liam rolled her eyes and chuckled softly at her best friend, smiling when her thoughts went to the man that lived three doors away.


Just as Liam guessed it, the diner was packed with all kinds of families who were enjoying their lunch on this beautiful autumn day.

Liam was walking around, serving them their foods and drinks while taking their orders. She hummed softly and walked around the counter, hanging up a piece of paper from her notebook before spinning it. She walked into the kitchen to bring in the dirty dishes, smiling over at Calum.

"I see you're doing good" She chuckled and placed them in the sink, Natasha glaring at Liam. "I can't believe you put me on cleaning duty" she mumbled, earning an eye roll from the brunette.

"The details Hampton" Liam smirked at her before grabbing the plates with freshly cooked food, walking back out of the kitchen. "Who put you in charge anyways?" she heard Natasha yell from the kitchen.

"You know who" Liam laughed softly a kid walked over to a table in the back, placing the plates on it. "One veggie burger with chili sauce on the side. Two hamburgers, no cheese and a side of chili cheese fries. One chicken sandwich with extra potato. And two chocolate chip pancakes for the cutie" Liam smiled softly at the little girl who squealed excitingly and clapped her hands, giggling when she pinched her chubby cheek.

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