05 | Liam

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05 - Coffee date and dirty thoughts

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05 - Coffee date and dirty thoughts

"I love their coffee" Liam practically moaned after the first sip she took from the pumpkin spice latte Zayn had bought her a few seconds ago, hearing the British man chuckle beside her.

Liam had one their race, gloating the whole time till they've found the perfect coffee shop which also happened to be the brunettes favorite one in the city. Zayn wasn't complaining about it though, he was happy to get her the coffee. Just like a real gentleman would do.

"I think their tea is better" He hummed and took a sip of his tea, taking a seat across from the brunette once they got a free table.

"Nah their coffee is definitely the best" Liam shook her head and giggled softly, inhaling the sweet scent of the warm substance.

She spotted a smile on Zayn's lips as he watched her, a small blush creeping her cheeks. "So, how are you liking it here so far?"

"It's nice here. The people tho, not so much" Zayn answered, chuckling deeply and looked out the window beside them, watching the cars speed pass the small coffee shop.

Liam hummed in agreement. "Yeah, but hey, that's New York for ya'" She gave him a thumbs up with a small grin before taking another sip of her coffee, sighing in content before leaning herself back against the leather seat.

Zayn laughed softly and rose his cup before taking a sip himself, looking around the homey looking shop. "It's comfy here" He said and looked at the beautiful young woman in front of him.

"I know. That's why I love to come here. It's nice to just sit back, sip coffee and read a book" Liam smiled softly as she looked around.

She always comes here after a morning jog or after a shift at the diner. She would get herself either a coffee or a hot chocolate, put on some music and sit in the corner of the shop where it was nice and comfy, reading one of her favorite novels.

It was relaxing here. Reminding her of her hometown in Texas. She loved it here very much, but she also missed the country sights. And most importantly her horse. She sighed softly as she looked out the window.

"You okay there love?" Zayn's voice brought her back to reality, making her snap her head back at him. "Oh yeah, I'm fine" Liam nodded and blushed.

"What were you thinking about?" Zayn tilted his head a little in curiosity. "Home" She said honestly with a shy smile.

"You miss home?"

Liam nodded. "Yeah. I miss having the country outside my door"

"Where do you originally come from?"

"Texas" Liam said softly, looking back at him. "It's amazing there honestly. The beautiful country, the farms, just everything in wonderful. And I miss it there, but I also love it here" She explained and smiled at him, looking down at her hands.

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