45 | Zayn

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45 - Making a change

Zayn looked around the abandoned building, a can of red paint in his left hand and a bag with different spray cans in his right hand. Watson was standing beside his owner, taking in the slightly scary surroundings.

"You sure you want to do this?" Adam asked as he approached the man from behind, the dark haired man nodding his head. "Yes." His reply was short, his eyes still glued on the giant room. "I already bought this for her ages ago so I'm not just gonna leave it like this." He said and placed the items down before making his way to one wall.

He placed the can down along with the bag and opened it, getting out a paint brush. He started painting the wall after dipping the brush into the thick paint, moving his hand across the wall.

Adam watched the dark haired man and just shrugged, walking up to him and placing the other items down, helping him paint the wall

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Adam watched the dark haired man and just shrugged, walking up to him and placing the other items down, helping him paint the wall.


This went on for weeks. Adam and Natasha helping Zayn out to decorate the building just how Liam had pictured it, even Perrie came over to New York with her son to help them. Finally, after a month or two, the building was done.

Zayn was looking up at the sign on the front of the building. Payne's Flapjacks. A soft smile spread across his lips and he rubbed his palms together, taking a deep breath before making his way into the building.

Everything looked exactly like Liam's blue prints Zayn made for her. It was perfect. It was homey and relaxing. Natasha was cleaning up the counter one last time, lifting her head up to look over at Zayn, smiling at him.

"This is great Zayn. She would've loved this. But it surprises me that we actually got this done in a month." Adam spoke up behind him, patting his shoulder with a wide smile. "I know." The dark haired man chuckled softly and made his way around the counter.

There wasn't really much that they had to change on the building. It just needed to get re-painted inside and out, the sign above had to be changed, new furniture had to be bought and placed in and everything had to be dusted off and perfectly cleaned. And voilá, the diner was ready. And to say Zayn wasn't proud of himself would have to be an understatement.

"Well, we better get working on that menu because the grand opening is tomorrow."  He hummed and licked his lips, grabbing the note pad and the pen.


Later on that night, after getting everything done, Zayn sat in front of the half painted painting in his art room. It was two a.m. The middle of the night. The man had woken up to get himself a drink because his throat was dry but he stopped mid way when he finally had an idea for the painting he was going to introduce to an art gallery opening next week.

It had taken him a while to finally realize what the missing thing was and the idea just hit him. There was a small smile formed on his lips as his eyes scanned over the different colors while he wiped his paint covered hands on his used cloth, his tongue running across his bottom lip.

He wished Liam was here to see it. He wished she would've been with him right here at this moment, happily watching him finish the canvas while babbling about their plans for the wedding and rubbing at her small bump.

But he knew that she was right beside him then and there, helping him finish it. And he knew that this painting was definitely based on their relationship, even if the colors were just simple. But they held so much meaning behind it, it was surprising. It surprised him how much meaning he had put in it, what kind of story was behind it.

And just like that he was quick to grab a note book and a pencil, the words just slipping from his mind onto the paper as he wrote down what his speech was going to be, his bottom lip stuck between his teeth in concentration.

Hours passed by where Zayn sat in front of his desk, writing the things down that were on his mind, the meaning behind the painting, the story behind the painting. The sun was slowly starting to rise behind the building, meaning it was already seven a.m. But it didn't take him that long to finish it.

His story.

The story he was going to tell an audience dedicated to that painting he did for Liam. He was doing this for them. His family. The family he lost not long ago.


It's short but here's an update :)

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