50 | Epilogue

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50 - Epilogue ~ Last breath I took before I was reunited with my love again

50 years later

The elderly man stared at the big city outside of his window, watching as the new cars flew by. He sighed deeply, looking down at himself while leaning back against his wheelchair. It's been fifty years since he had lost the woman he wanted to grow old with, the woman he wanted to be with for the rest of his life, until he would breathe his last breath. Fifty years he spent his time searching for someone just like her, but it was no use. She was one of a kind, the only person he knew that made him truly happy.

So he spent his life being single, feeling more happier that way. His heart belonged to the woman he once knew was his soulmate and it will always be like that until the day he'd die and reunite with her once and for all.

Zayn learned that things in life won't always be fair, but he also learned to still live it as the fullest, no matter what path you'd make. There were times where his depression kicked back in. He started taking drugs shortly after his show case at the art gallery, causing him to almost die because of overdosing. But he was brought back. He recovered. It may have taken a while but he recovered. He concentrated on the important things in life, helped Perrie take care of his godson, Markus, who became very successful. He went to Harry's and Niall's wedding. He participated at Adams and Natasha's wedding and he made sure to always visit his family back in Bradford. He even became good friends with Aisha's boyfriend – now husband and father of three beautiful children –, but still warned him every time that he'd kill him if he ever hurt her.

Zayn was now seventy-eight years old and he was living in a nice retirement home down in Brooklyn. It was nice. The workers were caring and very helpful, the food they served was delicious and the activities were great. But they had a strict policy. No leaving the home unless it was the garden.

The elderly man wasn't very happy since he always likes to go to his old lovers grave on Sunday's to take care of her flowers and re-light her candles. But of course he wasn't allowed.

It was yet another Sunday afternoon and this time, Zayn would visit her grave. Even if he had a heart problem, it wasn't going to stop him from seeing her one last time, if it may kill him.

"Good afternoon, mister Malik." The grey haired mans attention was moved towards his favorite nurse who took care of him most of the time, making him slowly turn his head to see the young girl walk in with one of the biggest smiles on her face. She would always have a smile on her face which would give him a lot of joy since it reminded him a lot of Liam.

"Hello Nina." His lips quirked into a smile and he watched her swiftly move around his room, putting everything in order and bringing him his medication. "Dinner will be ready soon." Nina hummed and handed him the cup with the three different sizes and colored pills, pouring him a cup of water.

"What are we having this time?" The man asked and grabbed the cup with a small smile, taking the pills and washing them down with the water.

"Vegetable soup with cornbread and chocolate pudding for dessert." The young girl watched him carefully take the medication since she knew how cheeky the man could be.

"Darling," Zayn cleared his throat once he was done, looking at her. "Would you do me the favor and take my out today? It's such a beautiful day and I need to take care of my wife's grave." He gave her a pleading look which made Nina bite her lip.

"Sir, I don't think it's a good idea... who knows what could–"

"Please darling? It would mean a lot to me if you would take me to the cemetery today. Someone has to take care of her." Zayn spoke ever so softly, sighing heavily after.

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