11 | Liam

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11 - Goodbye kisses and packed boxes

"Today was fun" Zayn grinned once they arrived in front of Liam's apartment, the brunette leaned against the wall beside the door.

"It was" Liam hummed in agreement, giggling softly. "I mostly liked the part where we kissed" She smirked and placed her palm on his chest, gripping his shirt.

"Yeah, I liked that part too" The dark haired man returned her smirk, leaning down and bumping their noses together. "You're lips are so soft" He breathed, Liam giggling. "So are yours, so soft and rough. Just the way I like it" She whispered and leaned a little up, brushing their lips.

Just as they were about to kiss, Natasha rudely interrupted them by ripping open the their apartment door. "Okay love birds, break it up. We get it. You can't get enough of each other" She said with an eye roll, making Liam groan in annoyance.

"Tasha if you don't go back inside I swear I will choke you" She glared at her best friend, who just sent her a cheeky grin.

"You, my friend, are a very kinky girl" she teased and quickly disappeared inside when Liam took off her boot and threw it at her, but ended up hitting the open door.

Zayn laughed at that and looked down at the brunette who huffed softly. "Better get going then huh?"

Liam looked back at Zayn with a pout, the lad leaning down to kiss her pouty lips. "I'll see you tomorrow" He whispered against her lips and pecked them once more before leaving to go to his apartment.

Liam was biting her lip as he left, smiling widely to herself before going inside and closing the door. She began to squeal and jump up and down excitingly.

"Woah there girl, you better chill before you break something" Adam said as he leaned himself against the kitchen doorway with a coffee mug in his hand, watching her with amusement.

"Shut up"

"Yeah A.J., let her have her moment" Natasha rolled her eyes as she stepped beside the man, patting his chest. "She's young and in love, so she's allowed to act like her fifteen year old self"

"Natasha I swear to god I will punch you in the face if you don't shut up. You already cockblocked our good bye kiss"

"Oh damn, and I thought I'd be the one" Adam laughed before earning a kick against his knee from Natasha an making him spill his coffee and burn his hand.

"What the hell Nat!"

"Shut it officer"

Adam glared at Natasha and rubbed at his knee, huffing before going back into the kitchen.

"We gotta go shopping girl" Liam looked at Natasha and rose a brow. "We don't have to. I already got everything I need"

"Wait seriously? Did you go shopping without me already? We always go shopping together. How coul—"

"Shush Hampton. I didn't go shopping without you. I already have the perfect dress" Liam chuckled softly, taking off her coat.

"Oh really? Can I see it? Please" Natasha dragged out the please, curious on what the dress looked like.

"Wait, are you actually planning on seducing Zayn?" She suddenly asked, narrowing her eyebrows at her. "I mean, it's the perfect opportunity. You both grind against each other when you dance, get all hot and bothered, get drunk and then boom, you two are ending up fûcking like a pair of bunnies back in his apartment." She said, gesturing that statement with her hands.

"You are unbelievable" Liam scoffed and shook her head, heading the stairs up. "You're just too shy to admit it! I know you want to fûck with him!"

Liam chuckled softly and buying the grin away that was forming on her lips. Maybe she does want to seduce Zayn on Saturday.


Liam was going through her boxes she still had stored in her closet, the ones she left untouched. She got out another flatter box, tracing her fingertips over the box.

Biting her lip gently, she slowly opened the box and smiled down at the red fabric that was inside. She remembered her mother wearing this dress when she was just a little girl. It was her parents anniversary day. They spent it at a charity banquet with her dads old teammates.

Liam remembered how pretty her mother looked in it. Her mother gave her this dress and told her, "if one day, a charming, handsome and kind hearted man steals your heart and invites you to a ball party, you have to wear this dress so his eyes will only be set on you the whole evening"

Liam chuckled softly and picked the dress up a little to look at the top, smiling widely.

There was a knock sounded on her door and she responded with a come in as she put the dress back into the box.

"Hey Li" Adam said once the door opened, walking up to her. "Whatcha doing?"

"Oh just going through some boxes I still haven't unpacked" She replied and smiled, looking up at him. "What's up?"

"Well just wanted to tell you that the pizza will be here in ten. So I expect you downstairs and not on your keyboard" Liam rolled her eyes at his statement, giggling.

"Can't help it when I'm playing with it. It's addicting" she grinned, the officer chuckling softly. "To you, music and dancing are addicting. To me, coffee and donuts are addicting"

"You know that is such a cop cliche"

"Well it's a great breakfast for us on the job. Very quick to get" Adam laughed as Liam shook her head. "Whatever" She chuckled and stood up, grabbing the huge box and carrying it back into her closet, spotting a small velvet box in there.

She narrowed her eyebrows and got it out once she placed the box back inside, opening it slowly. She gasped.

"What is it?" Adam asked confused and walked up to her, looking at the item in her hand over her shoulder.

"Oh my god, I can't believe I found it" Liam smiled widely and got the necklace out of the box. "It's my grandmothers necklace. You know, the one I thought I lost when we moved in? I totally forgot I had put it in this box" She squealed and walked over to her bed, placing the necklace on the dress before closing the flatter box again.

"That's good, you gonna wear it for the ball on Saturday?"

"Course I am, it's practically my good luck charm" Liam smiled and placed the box underneath her bed.

"No wonder you had bad luck with the men for the past two years" Adam grinned teasingly, Liam grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him.

"Get out of my room"

"Did you just throw a pillow at a federal police officer? That is unacceptable."

"Shut up and get out" She walked up to him and pushed him out of her room before slamming the door in front of his face.

"This is unacceptable!" She heard Adam yell again from the other side of the door, the brunette rolling her eyes and giggling.

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