37 | Liam

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37 - finding out and confessing the truth

Liam rubbed at her pushed out stomach, tilting her head a little to the side as she looked at the small bump. She was currently sitting on the couch down in the lounging area, watching her favorite show on Netflix while Zayn was up in his studio, doing some new painting for a special art show he would be attending in a month or so.

It has already been a few weeks since the coupes found out about Liam's pregnancy. After telling it to their family and friends everyone freaked out, hugging and congratulating them. Their mothers even threw a extra party for it.

A soft smile spread on her lips, still not believing the fact that she was having Zayn's children. Her heart swelled and warmed up at the thought, her smile only growing. She hummed softly to herself and grabbed her laptop, deciding to check their bank account they made a few months back. Since they were officially together, they wanted to share the money they earned and everything.

She gave in the passcode while rubbing at her tiny bump, her eyes scanning the screen. Liam narrowed her eyebrows when she noticed there was money missing from the account. Her eyes widen when she read how much was missing and that it was transferred to another unknown account , pushing her computer on the couch before standing up and storming up to the studio where Zayn was in, opening the door a little to rough which caused it to slam against the wall.

The man jumped in surprise at that, quickly turning the canvas he was working on. "Liam, what the hell?"

"Who the fûck are you transferring our money to?" She asked and crossed her arms over her chest, raising a brow at him.

"What are you talking about?" Zayn asked confused, standing up from his stool.

"I just checked our bank account, yeah, and I noticed that fifteen thousand fûcking dollars are missing. And that they were transferred to a unknown account. Who the fuck are you giving money to?" Zayn could tell by the way Liam's body tensed up that she was definitely pissed, which was not good for the baby.

"Honey, please calm do—"

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down. Who are you giving the money to Zayn? And don't lie to me. I'm a hormonal woman and there are about three hundred things I want to do to your lying ass." She scowled at at him, giving him a glare.

"I can explain."

"Oh, oh you can explain? Wait, let me guess, it's Perrie yeah? You're still sending money to Perrie aren't you? After you specifically promised me, you wouldn't do it. God, is she having your baby too? Is she pregnant too? Or— or does she already has a kid that's yours?" Liam's eyes filled with tears when Zayn pursed his lips into a thin line, her heart shattering into million of pieces.

"I'm so stupid. How the fuck did I not see this coming? Oh my god." She let out a sob, shaking her head. "I thought you were different!" She grabbed one of the red paint cans, throwing it at the dark haired man before storming out of the studio.

"Baby let me explain." She heard Zayn call after her, hearing him curse after. "Just leave me the fuck alone Zayn. I can't believe this. Are you also having an affaire with her? Is that why you've been on all of these extra trips too England while I had to sit alone in Barcelona, Vegas and wherever else we were?" The brunette walked over to the closet, getting out a duffle bag. She grabbed all of her clothes and stuffed them into the bag, sniffling.

"Princess please let me explain it." Zayn said softly, grabbing her wrist to turn her around, but Liam yanked it out of his grip. "Don't fûcking touch me." She spat at him and pushed him away, getting the rest of her items.

"Liam please, you don't understand." The man desperately tried to explain it, but the brunette would budge.

"Oh no Zayn, I do understand. I understand that you have another fucking child in England because you've been fucking around with your ex. You've been lying to me since the moment we first met." Liam looked up at him with tears, then slowly running down her rosy cheeks. "A whole year. A whole fucking year you could've told me, you could've told me everything. I would've understood. But the fact that I had to find it out this way, really breaks my heart. I honestly didn't expect this from you. The one man I thought who would truly loved me and not lie to me, cheat on me, use me as their sêx toy. I practically gave you everything I had from me. I told you so many things, I've been honest with you all this time and you? You couldn't even tell me this kind of fucked up shit."

"Liam please. I do love you. I— I'm not cheating on you I swear. Please let me—"

"You've already explained enough to me. Even if you didn't express them with words." Liam shook her head and wiped her eyes. "I— I need time to myself, I need to think this through." She stuttered and walked out of the room, more tears running down her cheeks as she headed down the wooden stairs.

"Fuck!" She heard something crash from their room, knowing Zayn must've hit something out of anger. "Liam!"

"Just leave me alone Zayn." The girl grabbed her jacket and slipped into it, putting on her shoes.

"Baby please don't go, I'm sorry I lied, I just, I didn't know how to explain it."

"You could've just told me instead of keeping it in for a whole year!" Liam yelled and looked back at Zayn who was now standing before her, his own eyes filling with tears. "Please..."

"It's too late for explanation now Zayn." She sniffled and wiped her nose, ripping the door open to reveal Adam and Natasha standing there. "Oh what do you guys want?" She asked and slung the bag over her shoulder, looking up at them.

"I wanted to ask you to go shopping with me and Adam wanted to ask Zayn to play a little x-box.... Did we miss something?" Natasha asked, raising a brow.

Liam scoffed. "Why don't you ask Zayn over here. He seems to know a lot."

"You told her?" Adam suddenly asked zayn, both Natasha's and his eyes going wide. "Told me what...?" Liam looked between the three.

"That me and Adam are together." The dark haired girl blurted out, the brunettes head snapping towards her best friend. "What!?"

"Oh god..." Zayn facepalmed himself, Liam looking back at him. "Are you fucking kidding me right now? All of you were lying to me this whole damn time? Is that why you've be so suspicious all along? Oh my god!" The brunette was beyond angry right now, her breathing getting uneven and her bottom lip quivering. Her eyes watered up even more than before and her vision getting unclearer.

"Liam we can—"

"Don't fucking say you can explain. Just don't. Fucking do me the favor and leave me alone and whole you're all at it, why don't you go fuck yourself too?" Liam scoffed, hurt written all over her face as she pushed passed her best friends.

She ignored their calls, running towards the stairs, the elevator taking too long. She was rather quick as she ran down, sniffling and sobbing. She couldn't believe they all lied to her, especially Zayn, the man she was soon to be married to.


This is just the beginning guys. You're gonna hate me more three chapters later. 😞

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