36 | Zayn

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36 - morning sickness and doctors appointment

The next day, the couple decided to stay in all day, not really keen on doing anything since they were still too tired from the constant jet lags. Zayn was sitting on one of the barstools by the kitchen counter, going through today's crossword with a cup of hot coffee sitting beside the paper while Liam was cooking up some breakfast for them behind him. Watson and snowflake were playing together on the couch, the dog playfully growling as the kitten tried to roar at him like the lion she saw in Africa, but it came out as a small meow.

The couple would have left their pets with Natasha and Adam yet, Liam didn't really trust them anymore with animals, so they just took them with and Zayn could honestly say, they were calm and good through out the trips.

The man soon turned around to face his beautiful angel, leaning back against the counter to watch her once he was done with the crossword. A soft smile broke upon his lips and he tilted his head to the side, his eyes going up and down her body.

She was wearing one of his long t-shirts which reached till her full thighs he oh so loved to kiss and bite at, smirking as he spotted a few love bites and bite marks on them from last night. Her hair was tied in a rather messy bun, yet she still looked so beautiful.

"I just love seeing you like this princess." He propped himself on his shoulders, smiling softly as he heard her chuckle. "Please, you'd love me more if I stood here naked." She looked at him over her shoulder, a cheeky grin on her lips as she took a bite out of a Turkey bacon.

Zayn chuckled and licked his lips, humming in agreement. "Okay true, that's definitely be a very pleasing sight." He stood up, pushing himself towards her before wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her closer against his body.

"But I'd rather prefer you naked underneath me." He kissed her neck down slowly, the brunette tilting her head a little to the side to give him more access. "I know you do." She bit her lip and let Zayn's hand wander underneath the giant shirt, gasping softly.

Then, all of the sudden, he got pushed away, the next thing he knew was noticing Liam bolting to their bathroom. The man narrowed his eyebrows in confusion, turning off the stove before he followed after her.

"Babe?" He asked softly as he pushed the door open, frowning a little when he saw her kneeled in front of the toilet, her hand placed on her stomach. "Hey." He leaned down, placing his hands on her shoulders.

"I don't feel so good..." The brunette mumbled, her face twisting and gagging.

"Should I make a doctors appointment?" Zayn asked her, massaging her shoulders gently to calm her nerves as she started to throw up into the toilet.

Liam nodded her head, her eyes filling with tears. The man pressed a gentle kiss to her head before getting out his phone, dialing the number.

"I'll be right back." He said softly and walked out of the bathroom once the receptionist answered.

He did the appointment, smiling when she told him they could come right away before thanking her and hanging up. "Z— Zayn?" The man turned around to look at his lover who had her hand on her stomach.

"What's wrong?" He immediately jumped out of the chair and walked up to her, worry written all over his face.

"I— I think I might be pregnant."


The couple were now seated in the waiting room of the doctors, their hands intertwined and Liam's knee bouncing nervously as she chewed on her thumbnail.

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