31 | Liam

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31 - Christmas shopping and ice skating

"Liam, babe calm down." The brunette heard her boyfriend laughed from behind her as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. "We have all the time in the world today." He kissed the top of her head softly, the two of them walking into the crowded mall.

Liam rolled her eyes fondly at him but smiled softly, leaning against his side. The two decided to do the Christmas shopping today since it was only two weeks away. They were going to host it at Zayn's apartment, meaning that his and her family were coming to New York to celebrate it all together, also the families wanted to meet each other. Zayn's place was big enough for everyone.

"I'm sorry, but there's this sale on this really nice necklace I want to get for your mum, as a thank you for giving me hers the night before you took me out." She huffed softly and pouted a little, looking up at her lover.

"And you'll get it darling." The dark haired man chuckled softly and brushed a curl behind her ear. Liam giggled softly and rested her head on his shoulder, linking the fingers together as they walked through the busy building.

"There it is!" Liam squeaked excitingly when she spotted the familiar jewelry shop, quickly pulling the young man towards the small yet very expensive looking shop.

Zayn rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around her waist as soon as they stepped in, walking together through the fancy shop. "This is really nice." He hummed, impressed at the small shop.

"I know, I saved all my tips and savings for this years Christmas, I have like five hundred fifty dollars in my wallet with eighty five cents. And now that I've seen that the oceans pearl was on sale today, I immediately thought of your mother. You think she'll like it?" Liam asked and chewed on her lip, suddenly getting unsure.

"She likes everything that she gets on Christmas babe, she'll definitely love this. Especially when she knows it's from you darling." Zayn reassured her softly, smiling as he leaned down to peck her cheek. "My mum lo lo loves you." He sang with a grin, Liam chuckling at that.

"You always know how to cheer me up Zee." She said softly and walked over to the sale section, spotting that the necklace she was originally going to buy was gone. A frown fell on her lips. "It's not there."

"What do you mean?" Zayn asked and narrowed his eyebrows. "The necklace." Liam turned around and looked up at him. "It's gone." She groaned resting her forehead on his broad chest.

"Aww babe, don't worry." Zayn rubbed her shoulders. "We'll find something else. Why don't we get the others their presents first and then look something for my mum yeah?" He suggested and looked down at the shorter girl, Liam still pouting.

"Fine." She huffed and crossed her arms, looking down at her feet.

"Come on babe." The man chuckled softly and grabbed her hand, leading her out the shop so they could continue their Christmas shopping.


"Zayn come on, stop being such a pussy and get your âss over here." Liam giggled as she watched her boyfriend struggle with his balance on the ice, holding onto the sides of the rink like he was about to die.

After the Christmas shopping, the two went to have a little fun in Central Park, going ice skating. But since zayn was too much of a wuss, she had to drag her boyfriend in and bribe him, by promising him she would give him a blow job once they were at home.

"I'll fall." Zayn bit his lip and held onto the railing, slipping a little with the skates.

The brunette rolled her eyes and skated over to her boyfriend, grabbing his arms. "I won't let you fall." She smiled reassuringly at him. "Left right. Just like roller skating." She chuckled and looked down at his feet, smiling when he was slowly moved his feet like she instructed.

"There you go baby." Liam smiled widely when he showed progress, slowly letting him go.

She spotted a smile creeping in his lips, that is, until he took another step and suddenly fell back on ass. Liam quickly covered her mouth, trying her hardest not to laugh because the fall was kinda funny.

"Are— are you okay?" She bit her lip and skated over toward him, trying to help him up. "You think this is funny don't you?" Zayn groaned, pushing himself up and holding his elbow.

"N—no." Liam bit her lip harder, reaching her hand down. "Come on." She smiled sweetly, the man glanced up at his girlfriend and grabbed her hand, pulling her down by surprise.

Liam squealed at that and fell on top of Zayn, gripping his jacket. "Zayn!" She playfully hit his chest, giggling softly as the man laughed, his chest vibrating.

"M'sorry baby, you had to see that one coming." He grinned cheekily up at her, Liam rolling her eyes at him. "Shut up." She giggled and leaned down, brushing her lips against his.

"Mm." Zayn hummed softly, lifting his head a little up to kiss her but she pulled away just in time. "No kiss on the lips until we get home."

"Babe." Zayn whined softly, pouting. "One kiss?" He gave her the puppy eyes, making Liam bite her lip at how cute the man looked.

"Sorry." She giggled softly and kissed his forehead. "But I will play nurse for you when we get home."

The man looked up at her, smirking. "That sounds nice. My elbow does hurt from the fall." He licked his lips, making Liam scoff playfully.

"You're so horny." She squealed when Zayn started tickling her sides. "Says the girl who always wants me to be inside her." He murmured into her neck with a smirk, the younger woman being a giggling mess.

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