34 | Zayn

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34 - Christmas Eve and family time

Tonight was finally Christmas Eve.

The letter with the tickets did arrive just how like the woman said, at the end of the week. After organizing everything and getting everything ready, the couple would be set to leave Christmas day, which was tomorrow. Zayn had already packed everything for the brunette without her even noticing, so everything went as planned. The thick letter was wrapped in a layer of Christmas themed paper, the present already sitting under their beautifully decorated tree.

Both Zayn's and Liam's families were already there for the party, getting to know each other and helping with the dinner. Their fathers were talking by the couch, getting along just fine, the twins were playing with Watson, Aisha and Toni sat in front of the fireplace, Liam was in the kitchen with Trisha and Karen while Zayn was talking to Nina and Anthony.

The man looked over at his girlfriend who was cutting the vegetables up, excusing himself from the couple to join her. He smiled softly and ducked his mother who was just placing the cooked turkey on the counter before wrapping his arms around the brunette, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Hey baby." Liam giggled and tilted her head a little to the side as he buried his face into her neck, smiling widely.

"Hello." Zayn mumbled with a grin, humming softly as he brushed his lips against her birthmark.

"Okay you two, you can snuggle later, right now we need her to help with the food and not get all kissy whatever you call it these days, now shoo." Trisha motioned her son to move away with her hands, giving him a stern look.

Zayn sighed dramatically and unwrapped his arms from the girl, putting them up in defense. "Sorry." He mumbled and slumped out of the kitchen, the brunette biting her lip to keep her giggles for herself.

Zayn turned around and blew her a kiss with a cheeky grin. Liam blushed at that, chuckling and bit her lip.

"Presents first or dinner?" Karen asked as she placed the cranberry jelly on the table, looking at everyone.

"Presents!" The twins both squealed, immediately running to the small Christmas tree where a pile of presents, big and small, where laying sprawled over the floor while Watson and snowflake were cuddling together in the huge doggy basket beside it.

Karen sighed softly and chuckled. "Figures." She smiled softly at her younger children, everyone soon joining the twins. "Can I give out the presents?" Lena asked cutely as she looked at her mother with her big brown eyes, Leo already grabbing a bunch of presents that had his name written big on them.

"Of course you can sweetie." Karen sat down beside her husband, Zayn smiling softly at Liam's siblings. He placed an arm around his girlfriends shoulder once she joined him, the girl immediately melting into his touch.

As everyone finally settled down, the twins started to hand out the presents with their names on the wrapper, smiling sweetly at everyone.

Aisha gasped when she opened hers she had received from her boyfriend, squealing. "Omg omg omg Toni, yes!" She tackled the older lad into a tight hug, causing him almost fall from the couch. He chuckled softly and hugged her back.

"I love it, oh my god, thank you." The dark haired girl smiled brightly, getting the bracelet out of the small box. Toni grinned and grabbed the jewelry, putting it around her wrist. Aisha cupped his face and smashed their lips together in a soft yet, a little rough kiss.

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