07 | Liam

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07 - late night dinner and family talks

"So every year on Halloween. We have this huge party at our place and we like invite every person in the building. I was wondering, I know that there are still a few weeks left but I want you to come too" Liam told Zayn as they were sitting in the late night diner, enjoying a burger, some fries and a strawberry chocolate milkshake.

"I'd love to. What are you gonna dress like?" Zayn asked her, tilting his head. "I was thinking either Harley Quinn, or cat woman. Maybe even batgirl. I'm not sure yet" The brunette giggled softly, dipping one of her fries into her milkshake. "What about you?"

"I was thinking more like either captain America, Batman or joker" Liam snorted at the first suggestion. "What?" Zayn asked her slightly confused, raising a brow.

"I would say more like captain English" Liam grinned cheekily at her. "Captain America wouldn't suit you. You're too, British" She shook her head playfully and giggled at Zayn's cute pout.

"Rude. I can do a great American accent if I say so myself" He huffed and flipped his imaginary long hair, making Liam laugh even more. "Alright. Hit me with your best shot" She quoted, smirking at him while eating her fries.

"Oh it's on" Zayn chuckled and quickly thought of something to say. "Hi, my name is Zayn Malik and I would like an ice cold coffee"

The brunette scrunched up her nose and stopped laughing, looking at Zayn. "What?" Zayn asked and narrowed his eyebrows when all of a sudden he became a fry with milkshake on one end thrown against his face. "That was so fûcking weird" She laughed at his reaction, holding her stomach.

"And you're very rude" Zayn scoffed playfully, rolling his eyes fondly before throwing his own fries at her. Liam quickly dodged them, which made the fries hit the man that was sitting behind her. The girl quickly covered her mouth to hold in her laughter as the man turned around to glare at Zayn, who gulped and gave him an awkward wave. "Hello..." He said and bit his lip, the old man rolling his eyes and shaking his head before turning back around.

Liam heard him mumble a immature making her break into laughter. "Oh my god" She clutched her stomach, tears already forming in her eyes. "It's not that funny" Zayn grumbled and crossed his arms, frowning like a five year old that didn't get any cookies.

"Aww zaynie" Liam giggled once she calmed down and slid out of the booth to sit beside him, Zayn only scooting away. "No" He huffed and looked away, Liam pouting. "Zaynie" She said softly and scooted closer, placing her hand on the man's thigh which slightly made him jump.

But Zayn didn't look at her, he just glanced at her hand and bit his lip. Liam scooted even closer. "What's wrong handsome" She practically purred into his ear, squeezing his thigh and smirking in success when she noticed him holding his breath.

She bit her lip and moved her hand further up, deciding to tease him a little. She brushed her fingertips over his lap and glanced down a little, licking her lips slowly when she could see his size a little. And boi, she couldn't wait to bounce on that.

When she finally noticed that Zayn had given in and was about to pull her on his lap, she quickly got out of his booth, giving him a cheeky smirk before sitting back down in hers. She looked at Zayn who was slightly shocked at that, giving her a small glare for teasing her like that.

Liam just smiled innocently at him, shrugging her shoulders as continued to eat her fries. "You're mean" Zayn pouted, biting into his veggie burger.

"And you're easy" Liam shot back and chuckled softly, sipping her milkshake with a hum.

Zayn rolled his eyes at her once again, a soft smile playing on his lips as he watched the brunette who was also smiling and looking out the window, her legs up and against her chest. She then looked back at him, blushing. "What?" She asked, biting into a curly fry.

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