40 | Zayn

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A/n : please don't hate me 😓


40 - Time stands still

The whole car ride through, it was dead silent. No one exchanged a single word to each other. Zayn knew Liam was still pissed at him, but he decided to just let her be at first, not wanting to start anything. Yet this silence was honestly killing him.

He had a tight grip on the stirring wheel, his jaw clenching and unclenching as he stole glances at his pregnant fiancé. "Okay that's it." He suddenly said and stepped on the breaks as they reached a stop light.

"Jesus what the hell Zayn!" Liam yelped and looked at him with wide eyes, her hand clutching her small bump. Luckily, they were the only ones in the road since it was one a.m..

"I can't take this silent anymore. Finally, tell me what the hell is wrong?" He asked and turned his head to look at her, the brunette pursing her lips into a thin line.

"Oh so you don't know why I'm pissed? I'm pissed because you let a fucking slut throw herself at you!"

"Is this about Victoria?" Zayn rose one of his brows as he looked at her. "Yes this is about Victoria Zayn. She threw herself at you and you didn't even fucking realize it." Liam scoffed and shook her head, looking out the window.

"I just thought she was being nice."

"Oh? Oh, so you thought, her hand on your thigh, chest wherever she had her disgusting hands on, you thought she was just being nice? Wow, okay, I get it."

"Why are you making such a big deal out of this Liam? We were just talking like normal people."

"Normal people don't fucking go ahead and touch each other inappropriately in public while their pregnant girlfriend is watching them from afar!"

"You're over reacting Liam!"

"Oh I'm overreacting? Seriously? You shouldn't have fucking let her on you like that, asshole!"

"I didn't even realize it!"

"Because you're blind!" The brunette glared at him and tried unbuckling herself. "Don't get out of this car." The man warned and watched her.

"I can do whatever the hell I want." Liam spat at him, her hormones kicking in, zayn could notice it. "Well fine, maybe you can walk home then yeah?" He scoffed at her and rolled his eyes, knowing she wouldn't walk home.

Liam stared at him for a second, her hands balling into fists. "I hate you." She sneered and sniffled.

Zayn looked straight ahead, his heart stinging slight at that. "Well right back at you." He retorted, looking back at the brunette who was now crying. "You're such an asshole!" She screamed through her tears, opening the car door. But, before she could even get out, a bright light suddenly appeared from her side, the couple both squinting their eyes at that.

No one even realized it until they saw the light get closer, Zayn's eyes widening when he noticed it was a car driving full speed towards them. "Liam!" He was about to pull the brunette into his arms but it was too late, the other car had already hit theirs, causing the vehicle to flip over and onto the side of the road.

All Zayn could hear was a ear piercing sound ringing in his ears before they crashed upside down, the pain rushing through his body. He groaned and blinked open his eyes. He noticed a drop of red liquid drip on the shattered glass beneath him, looking down to see it was his blood.

The man tried moving, but it only ended up with him feeling more pain run through his body as he looked down at himself to see a piece of glass sticking out his stomach. He felt his eyes slowly closing due to how much blood he was losing.

The last thing he saw was Liam laying there beside him, blood running down the sides of her face, her arms covered in cuts before everything turned black.


A groan came from his lips as his eyes slowly fluttered open, noticing that he was in white room. When he slowly tried to sit up, he felt the pain rush through his body, causing him to hiss and squeeze his eyes shut.

"He's up!" He heard someone say, then shuffling of feet. He peered his eyes open once again, looking around to see his family and friends all around his bed. "Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?" The man looked over at his mother. "Like shit." He said groggily and placed his hand on his head, whining a little at the throbbing sensation.

"What happened?" He asked and looked over at the others. "You were in a car accident." Adam told him and sighed, sitting down on the edge of the hospital bed.

"How long was I out?" Zayn asked and looked at him. "Three days." Harry said and held Niall close as possible, the dark haired man only now noticing how everyone had red, puffy eyes.

"Where's Liam?" He asked and narrowed his eyebrows, looking around and realizing she was not there. Everyone glanced at each other, pursing their lips and stayed silent.

"Where is she?" He asked again, his heart suddenly stopping to beat. "Where is Liam!?" His heart monitor started beeping rapidly, looking at everyone as they stayed silent, their eyes filled with sadness.

"I'm sorry Zayn..." Trisha spoke up, her voice cracking a little. Zayn could feel his heart shatter into million of pieces, his eyes watering. His breathing became irregular, his mind started spinning and as his mother tried to explain what happened, it's like he couldn't hear anything anymore. All he could hear was a loud ringing, the memories of the night suddenly flowing back into his mind.

"She— she can't be gone." He whispered and shook his head. "No no, she— she still has to be alive." He looked at everyone, the tears running down his cheeks.

"The doctors tried everything to sa—"

"They didn't try hard enough!" Zayn interrupted his sister, everyone around him flinching at the harshness in his voice. "Can you all please just leave?" He sniffled and closed his eyes, hearing shuffling before the door shut.

And that's when Zayn completely broke into tears.

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