25 | Liam

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25 - Seeing the canyons and spending thanksgiving with the Payne's

"This is beautiful" The brunette heard Zayn whisper from beside him as the couple sat on a rock, Liam leaning herself against him as they stared at the canyons before them, the horses walking free.

"I know" Liam smiled and hummed softly in agreement. "Anthony and me would always come here when we were younger, just to stare at the sunset behind the canyons" She said softly, resting the side of her head on his shoulder and wrapping her arms around her legs.

"It's my favorite place on earth" She closed her eyes as the wind blew through her hair, taking a deep breath and releasing a soft sigh.

"I can see why. It's so quiet and calm" Zayn said and looked down at Liam, smiling lovingly. "It's a good place to just scream your heart out" The brunette mumbled, opening her eyes again and looking up at him.

Their eyes locked, their lips curled into soft and loving smiles. "I forgot to mention how much I love your freckle" Liam said softly, tracing her fingers down his chest.

"You noticed?"

"From the moment I first met you" Liam giggled and kissed his shoulder, running her hand under his shirt to rub at his abs.

"I believe you're the first person I know, who has spotted it, except for my family" Zayn chuckled, nuzzling his nose into her hair and pressing a soft kiss to her head.

"I'm just good" Liam grinned, giggling softly to herself. "You are" Zayn hummed in agreement, having a fond smile on his lips.

"You know, I forgot to tell you that you look hot with a cowboy hat" Zayn looked down at her, smirking.

Liam chuckled softly at him, smiling. "Thank you babe" She looked back towards the canyons and leaned herself back on her hands, enjoying this moment for the next ten seconds until her phone started vibrating.

She bit her lip and got it out of her pocket, looking down at the lit up screen. "Well, it's time for us to go now. My relatives are already there ad the Turkey will be done in about thirty minutes" She said and got up, brushing the dust off of her hands and jeans.

Zayn did the same and grabbed her hand, pulling her against him. Liam looked up at him and before she even knew it, the man had already pressed his lips against hers for a soft and tender kiss.

Liam hummed and snaked her arms around his neck, pulling him closer as she kissed him back. "I love you" She smiled softly when she heard him whisper these words against her lips.

"I love you too" She ran her fingers up his hair, pulling away slowly. "You know I'll ask you soon right?" Zayn said, resting his forehead against hers and looked deeply into her big eyes.

The brunette nodded her head gently, her eyes still closed. "I know" She smiled softly up at him, pecking his lips again. "We better get going. Gotta meet the rest of my family"


"This looks amazing Karen" Zayn smiled as he walked into the dining room while Liam was busy talking to her grandparents and uncle in the hallway

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"This looks amazing Karen" Zayn smiled as he walked into the dining room while Liam was busy talking to her grandparents and uncle in the hallway.

"Thank you dear" Karen smiled softly at Zayn and placed the pumpkin pie on the table. The young man smiled at her and took a seat, listening as the others soon joined him, taking their seats.

He smiled as Liam took a seat beside him, the young woman grabbing his hand under the table and locking their fingers.

Once everyone was settled down, and David did his usual thanksgiving toast, they started eating. Zayn and Liam kept glancing at each other, sending loving smiles.

"So Zayn, I forgot to ask you something yesterday" Anthony said as he started cutting a piece of his turkey, looking over at the British man. Zayn hummed and grabbed his glass of wine. "You can ask me now" He smiled over at Liam's brother and took a sip.

"What would you do if my sister were to be lets say pregnant?"

Liam choked on her food along with with everyone else, Zayn coughing up the sip he just took.

"Anthony!" His girlfriend glared at him, kicking his shin. David slapped the back of his eldest sons head, giving him a look.

"It was just a question" The man mumbled and rubbed the back of his head. "Um" Zayn started, clearing his throat when everyone turned their attention towards him.

"Well, for one thing, I wouldn't run away like most men do" He started, rubbing at his jaw while glancing at Liam. "I was raised better than that. I would definitely stay by Liam's side, every step of the way, no matter how bad the mood swings would get" He chuckled softly, the brunette blushing beside him. "I'd help take care of her, give her everything she and the baby would need, and spoil them until I don't have a single dime left in my pocket. I love children and wish to have some myself, so I'd be happy if Liam were pregnant with my child"

Liam looked at him with a wide smile on her lips, not believing that he was actually confirming this. Any guy would've probably scoffed and said they'd run off but Zayn, he was just different and Liam definitely loved different. Zayn smiled softly at her and grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently. "You're sister means a lot to me and I'm very much in love with her"

By the look on Anthony's face, Zayn could tell he was shocked to hear him say that. "Well that's um, that's good" He hummed and nodded, David smiling. "There are reasons why I trust this boy, and one of them is this" He chuckled and patted Zayn's shoulder, Zayn smiling.

He felt Liam grab his jaw, turning his head and cupped his cheeks. "I love you so much" She whispered softly and kissed his lips, the young man immediately kissing her back.

"And I love you" Zayn smiled into the kiss, the couple slowly pulling away.

"I ship them" Leo sighed dreamily as he looked at her older sister and her man, his chin rested in his palm.

"I'm planning the wedding!" Lena suddenly exclaimed, everyone looking at the ten year old girl. "What?" She giggled as everyone looked at her and started laughing.

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