Q&A answers

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Here are finally the answers to your questions darlings ;)


1. Liam :

ZiamAmour is asking : How do you feel about Zayn and his ex?

* bites her bottom lip * Um, well, I'm not really fond about them, but I guess nothing much really. I trust Zayn and I believe that whatever they're doing together is probably nothing bad * shrugs *

xzixamx is asking : Why are you so beautiful?

* blushes * oh wow, I'm not really sure it's just, natural beauty with a little make up, I guess? * giggles softly *

@amourashby is asking : How's the dîck??

* parts lips and narrows her eyebrows * it's good, actually no wait, it's more than good, it's amazing

@onlyhemakesmesmile wants to know : Do you love me? How much do you love Zayn?

* chuckles softly * I don't know you, but yes, I love you honey. And to answer your next question, I love him very much. He makes me feel so special and he is everything I ever wanted in a man. He means the world to me and nothin will ever change that * smiles dreamily *


2. Zayn :

ZiamAmour wants to know : Why are you still on talking terms with Perrie and giving her money when she's your ex? Also, when are you going to shoot some ziam babies into Liam's womb?

Um honestly, I'm not really sure. * clears his throat a little * I just, there's just something going on and if you're wondering if it's cheating, I'm not. It's actually very complicated. * chuckles deeply * I think I already have shot some babies into her woman, I'm not quite sure yet though. * grins *

xzixamx is asking : Why are you giving Perrie money?

* scratches the back of his neck * again, it's complicated darling.

@armourashby says : You would make cute babies with Liam.

* coos * thank you love * winks *

@onlyhemakesmesmile wants to know : How much do you love Liam? Your first impression?

* smiles brightly * words cannot describe how much I love Liam. She just means the world to me and the thought of losing her makes my heart ache. She's just such an amazing and talented, carefree and loving girl, I'm happy I met her that night in the subway. And my first impression? Definitely an adorable and clumsy girl, yeah.


3. Natasha :

xzixamx is wondering : When are you and Adam going to tell Liam?

* sighs * soon, I hope. I don't really know if she's ready for these news yet.


4. Adam :

@onlyhemakesmesmile wants to know : Do you love coffee? Are you a cliché cop? Or nah?

* laughs * Yes I love coffee and I guess I'm a cliché cop, yeah. * smiles *


5. Aisha :

xzixamx says : I want my man back 😒🙃 jk

I don't think so * scoffs * he's my man * flips hair sassily *


6. Harry :

ZiamAmour says : I hope you dumped that bïtch Chantal from chapter 18 👀

* cackles * I did actually * grins * I found someone new and much more nicer. I like Liam and Zayn and I don't want them to feel uncomfortable with my "girlfriends" * shrugs with a smile *


7. Daren :

ZiamAmour is asking : Why are you being such an ass to Liam all the time when she doesn't want you? 😏

* raises an eyebrow * I'm not being an ass. * scoffs and rolls his eyes * I just want to claim what's mine, that's all.

xzixamx is wondering : Why you're such an asshole? Leave Liam alone.

I can do whatever I want.

@onlyhemakesmesmile is asking : Can you please go? I'll hold the door open for you too!

Don't have to get all rude. And to answer your question, no I won't leave. I will keep on coming back. * smirks deviously *


8. Moi💁🏼 :

ZiamAmour is asking : First of all : Ily and your stories 😍 Is this story gonna go nice and smoothly with happy ziam or is there gonna be drama?

Thank you so much and I love you too hun. And sadly it's not gonna go nice and smoothly but I won't say too much only that there'll be a lot of drama.

xzixamx is saying : You're an amazing writer! I love all of your books! 💜

Thank you love, that really means a lot

@onlyhemakesmesmile is wondering : Why do you like Liam as a girl so much? I mean, I am in love with Liam as a girl but still, where did you get the idea from? Not to be rude but I'm just wondering! I love this book and I love you! ❤️

The reason why I love Liam as a girl is probably because I can picture him like it, as a woman, you know, genderswap and all, as weird as it may sound😂. I don't know why. He may look like all daddy from the outside but on the inside he's a big cuddly princess who probably loves to get spoiled, like those spoiled daddy girls, tbh my opinion lol. And I honestly wanted to try something new. Instead of these whole boyxboy or even girlxgirl stories.
Thank you darling, I love you too.

In fact, I love all my readers and I already want to thank you for keeping on reading this story, because honestly my writings been getting rather sloppy in this story.☺️😘

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