28 | Zayn

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28 - Meeting his ex and bonding time

Zayn woke up to the sound of his phone blowing up beside him, causing him to groan in annoyance. "What the hell?" He mumbled and grabbed the mobile device, checking to see who was calling him.

He quickly sat up, making Liam, who was laying beside him, make a soft noise and shift, turning her back to him and continued sleeping.

Zayn glanced at her and bit his lip before standing up, slipping into his boxers while walking into the bathroom. "What do you want?" He asked after answering the call, making side the door was closed behind him.

"Heard you were in town, so I thought I might call you. How's the girl doing?"

"Her name is Liam, Perrie" Zayn's jaw was slightly tensed, slowly opening the door to check on his girlfriend.

"Yeah whatever, listen, I need more money, like right now" Perrie said into the phone, Zayn rolling his eyes at that. "I already sent you enough money"

"If I need more money then it means it wasn't enough Zayn. You're not spending the money just for me" The man closed his eyes, running his fingers through his long hair. "Fine. How much do you want this time?"

"Five grand"

"I already gave you ten, Perrie. Are you really using that money for important things?"

"Yes Zayn, I am. Now stop complaining and just send me the money. Oh and I want to meet the bîtch that stole you away from me"

"One, she's not a bîtch, and two, she never stole me away from you. You lost me when you cheated on me with multiple fûcking guys and when you were fûcking rude to my family" Zayn snapped at her, checking on Liam who was still sleeping.

"Don't care, they were rude first so. I still want to meet her. Meet me by our cafe in ten for breakfast" Before Zayn could even say anything, she already hung up, making him curse. "Bîtch!"

"Who's a bîtch?" Zayn jumped in surprise, quickly turning around to face his girlfriend who was tiredly rubbing at her eyes while wearing his dress shirt which was way too big for her.

"Just Perrie" Zayn sighed softly. "What did she want?" The brunette rose a brow and crossed her arms over her chest. "She um, wants to meet us in ten minutes"

"Why?" Liam looked at him confused, tilting her head. Zayn shrugged and ran his fingers through his hair, placing his phone on the sink.

"Well, better get ready then. Don't wanna keep her waiting now do we" She smiled at her boyfriend and walked over to the shower, taking off the shirt.

"You coming?" She asked and bit her lip as she stepped into the shower, Zayn chuckling before taking off his boxers.


"You never told me Liam was this funny" Perrie laughed as the three were sitting in the corner of the coffee shop, Zayn just sinking in his seat at the sight of his ex and girlfriend bonding.

Obviously, the blonde was faking the whole act, he could tell by the glares she was giving Liam when she wouldn't look. The three of them where sitting here for about an hour already, Liam just rambling away which made Zayn's heart flutter like never before, but Perrie usually ruined it by interrupting the brunette. Liam didn't really seem to mind though.

"Well I think we better should get going" Zayn finally exclaimed after listening to Perrie's rant about the guy she dated last night.

"Why so soon?" Perrie frowned. "We still have lunch with my parents" The man checked the time and gave Liam a look once he noticed her confused look.

He bit his lip to keep his chuckle in when he spotted the wave of realization hit her, the brunette nodding her head. "Yeah um, Trisha wanted to cook us some lunch. A small double date" She smiled sweetly at the blonde.

"Well lucky you. Trisha never did that when I was with Zayn" Perrie laughed softly, Zayn snorting when he heard Liam mumble a I wonder why, recovering it with a cough when the blonde looked at him.

"What was that?" She asked Liam, raising a eyebrow. "Nothing" The brunette stood up and grabbed her jacket, Zayn following after and grabbing her hand.

"Well it was nice seeing you again Pez" He have his ex a nod, Liam waving shyly before the couple left, Zayn still catching her glare.

"Thank you" Liam giggled as the two walked down the busy pavement, her arm linked with his. "Any time darling" Zayn chuckled and kissed her forehead softly, looking around the town.

"Now you get why I left her?" He suddenly asked, looking down at his girlfriend. "Yeah" Liam hummed. "I still don't get why she cheated on you" She frowned a little at that, playing with a few hairs of his beard.

"You're so sweet and loyal and such a gentleman" she smiled softly and kissed his shoulder, making Zayn smile at that. "I didn't get it either, but I'm honestly glad she did. Otherwise I would have never moved to Manhattan and met you" He said softly, slinging his arm over her shoulder.

Liam chuckled and leaned herself more against him, looking around the town. Zayn watched her with fondness, loving how her eyes were showing so much interest.


Short chapter but at least an update c:

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