12 | Zayn

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12 - The party and second base

It was Saturday evening. The past few days went by in a jiffy, Zayn and Liam always passing the time by either cuddling, watching movies together or just making out.

Zayn was standing in front of his body length mirror, fixing his dress shirt he was wearing. He rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt, letting his tattoos expose before coming his hair back. He ran his hand down his beard and licked his lips, turning around to face snowflake who was playing with a string of the pillow case on the bed.

"How do I look?" He asked her after grabbing his winter jacket, the kitten looking up at her owner. She meowed and got up, stretching her small body before jumping off the bed and scurrying toward him.

She cuddled herself against his leg as the sign to him that she liked the look. "You think daddy looks handsome enough for the lady?" He chuckled to himself, picking her up.

Snowflake purred and rubbed her head against his scruffy beard, clawing at the man's dress shirt. Zayn smiled softly and check his Rolex. "Well, looks like I gotta snow, I'll see you tonight" He kissed her head softly before placing her back on the bed.

The kitten dropped herself on the sheets and curled up, purring in satisfaction at the soft fabric against her fur.

Zayn smiled, making sure it was clean before heading out and down the stairs. He hummed softly and grabbed the bouquet of different flowers as he walked out of the apartment, locking up the door.

He walked up to Liam's apartment door, looking down at the flowers and knocked gently once arriving. The door opened not even seconds later, revealing Natasha.

"Well damn boy, don't you look nice" She said with a smirk, looking the man up at down. "Oh are those for me? Oh you shouldn't have"

"Sorry love. But these are for Liam" Zayn chuckled and hid the bouquet behind his before she could reach for it, grinning.

"Damnit" She pouted and huffed. "Leave the man alone Nat. He's here for Liam, not for you so back off" Adam said once he approached the two from the kitchen.

"Whatever" Natasha scoffed and rolled her eyes, stepping aside before heading to the staircase. "Yo Liam!" She yelled. "Lover boy is here"

The dark haired man chuckled softly at that, looking at Adam who just shook his head. "Women" He mumbled against his cup as he was about to take a sip, but it was still loud enough for Natasha to hear. "Men" She mocked him, sticking her tongue out at him.

"I'll be right down!" All three heard Liam yell back, Zayn glancing at the top of the stairs. He bit his lip, tapping his foot a little. He was anxious to finally see Liam. Wondering what dress she would wear, what type of lip stick, what her hair would look like. Was he really looking good? He was just wearing a simple white dress shirt that was tugged in his black skinny jeans with dress shoes.

Chewing his bottom lip, he glanced at the friends that were bickering again. Suddenly, Zayn heard heels started clicking from up the stairs, making him look up.

His breath got caught in his throat, his eyes going wide and his jaw dropping at how breathtakingly beautiful Liam looked.

She was wearing a long wine red strapless dress, the dress suiting her curves perfectly. Her hair was curled up and tied into a bun, a few strands dangling on the sides.

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