23 | Liam

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23 - Family dinner

Liam covered her mouth to muffle her giggling as Zayn and her walked down the steps, the dark haired man shushing her the entire time while trying not to laugh himself.

The brunette bit her lip and grinned, jumping on his back once he had reached the last step, the man slightly stumbling forward. "Oh god" He huffed out, Liam wrapping her stretched out arms around his neck.

She kissed his head softly and giggled softly once more. "To the kitchen Stallion" She commanded playfully, pointing her arm towards the kitchen. "Seriously?" Zayn asked and looked up at her, raising a brow.

"Yes seriously. Now go" She pecked his lips. "My beautiful stallion" She grinned, running her hand down the side of his face. She lifted his chin a little with the tip of her index finger, Zayn humming deeply at that.

Liam then slipped her hand into his shirt, biting her lip as she traced his tattoos. "After dinner, I want to show you our barn" She whispered into his ear. "You sure you just want to show me your barn?" Zayn smirked and looked up at her, Liam chuckling softly. "Depends on how my mood is"

"Well, you actually have to make it up to me since we haven't had our moment on the plane."

"You'll get your plane sêx when we're flying to Bradford after thanksgiving" Liam promised and kissed his neck. "I better get it" The man mumbled, chuckling softly when the brunette bit at his skin.

The two suddenly pull apart when they heard someone clear their throats behind them, making Liam jump off the lads back. She looked up and smiled brightly when she saw her older brother standing there. "Tony!" She squeaked and walked up to him, hugging him tightly.

"Hey little sis" Anthony greeted her softly, hugging her back tightly yet his eyes were set on Zayn. "I've missed you little one" The tall man chuckled, ruffling her curls and causing Liam to scoff, slapping his hand away. "I told you not to call me that anymore Tony" She mumbled and pulled away, grabbing Zayn's arm.

"So uh, this must be your new boyfriend?" Anthony asked Liam, motioning his head towards the man who was standing there a little awkwardly. "Yes Tony, this is Zayn. The guy I've been seeing for the past month" Liam smiled and rubbed Zayn's biceps, resting her head on his shoulder.

She watched as her brother eyes the man in front of him, having a skeptic look on his face. She understood why he was so skeptic about the fact that she had a new guy, since all the other ones she brought home were âssholes and just used her, but she wanted her brother to be nice to him.

"Nice to finally meet you, I'm Anthony" Her brother held his hand out for Zayn, the dark haired lad slowly taking it. "Nice to meet you too, I'm Zayn. Wow that's a strong grip" Zayn bit his lip at how hard the man was squeezing his hand.

"Okay Tony that's enough" Liam said and pushed her brother away, making him let go of Zayn's hand. "Zayn babe, why don't you help my mum out in the kitchen? I'll going you two in a sec" She smiled sweetly at him, pecking his lips. Zayn just nodded and rubbed at his now throbbing hand, frowning a little as he disappeared in the kitchen.

"I want you to pull yourself together Tony!" Liam practically hiss at her older brother, giving him a warning look. "I can assure you that Zayn is a very sweet guy and he's been taking care of me, not like the rest. So be nice or God so help me I will beat you up" She threatened him, giving him a serious look.

"I believe it when I see it" Anthony huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Tony. I don't care how old you are, you know exactly I can beat you up very easily since I know every weak spot on your body. So don't test me" She rose a brow at him. "Or I might as well go ahead and already knee you in your nut sac if you're not planning on having kids with Nina"

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