27 | Liam

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27 - The key to his heart and his apartment

"You look beautiful Liam" Trisha smiled softly down at the brunette, slowly brushing her long light hair. "Thank you Trish" Liam smiled up at the older woman, fiddling with her fingers.

Zayn's mother hummed softly as she tied the young woman's hair into a high ponytail. Liam tugged at her black dress, taking a deep breath. She bend down and fixed her heels.

"I'm happy that Zayn has finally met someone like you Liam" The brunette looked at her through the mirror, biting her lip

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"I'm happy that Zayn has finally met someone like you Liam" The brunette looked at her through the mirror, biting her lip. "Really?"

Trisha hummed. "After Perrie, I never expected for him to find someone else so quickly, especially so beautiful" She said with a smile. "What did she actually do?" Liam asked and chewed on her lip.

"She was very rude to us when Zayn wasn't around. She just used him for his money and his looks and well the sêx of course" Trisha sighed, shaking her head and walked over to her jewelry box, getting out a golden necklace.

"She always knew how to be the innocent one in front of him" She said and walked back up to her. "What a bîtch" Liam mumbled and watched her place the necklace around her neck.

"Oh I know honey, I know. I'm just glad he finally found someone so sweet and kind" The brunette blushed and looked down at the charm, tilting her head.

"What is this?" She asked her softly, taking the golden music note into her hand. "This my dear, was my mothers old lucky charm. She was very much into music and dancing back then. She got this from my father on the night they first met. She passed it on to me once and now I'm giving it to you. I trust you with my son and I know you'll make him a very happy man in the future" Trisha smiled and leaned down, kissing the brunettes cheek.

Liam was smiling widely at that, holding onto the charm. She turned around and hugged her tightly. "Thank you" She mumbled softly, Trisha chuckling and hugging her back.

"I should be the one thanking you love" She said and rubbed her back gently. "Now come on, we don't want to keep them waiting, now do we?"

The two pulled away from the hug and slowly stepped out of the room, both walking downstairs.

Zayn was talking with his father by the door, Liam biting her bottom lip as she looked over at him. The man soon looked up once she caught his eye and his smile he had, grew wider.

"Hi" The brunette blushed at Zayn's look, fiddling with her fingers. "God, you look so beautiful" She giggled at him, grabbing his hand.

"You definitely found yourself a keeper son" Yaser grinned and chuckled deeply, wrapping his arm around his wife's waist. "I did" Zayn hummed in agreement and smiled down at her.

"Shall we?" He asked the brunette, holding out his arm. "Yes" Liam giggled and linked her arm with his, the couple walking out.

"Don't wait on us, we'll see you tomorrow morning" Zayn called, waving at his parents as he led a giggling Liam towards his fathers car.

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