10 | Zayn

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10 - Zayn's first baseball game and the Kiss cam

It's been a week. Zayn and Liam have gotten closer over that amount of time, spending every second of the day with each other. They called it mini dates. But they didn't count. It was only the big dates that counted until they'd get serious.

Zayn became good friends with Adam and Natasha, all four of them having a few get togethers, movie nights and what not, just getting to know each other.

Today, Liam was taking Zayn out for his first baseball game, the couple waiting in front of the Stadium and for Adam and Natasha to finally show up. Liam was snuggled into Zayn's side, the man keeping her warm and chuckling softly at that.

"Hey sorry we're late, we got stuck in traffic" Adam and Natasha came up, breathlessly. Zayn looked at them and narrowed his eyebrows. Natasha's hair was a slight mess, almost looking like sêx hair. Both their clothes and jackets were slightly messed up as well, either they were in a hurry, or they had a quick fûck. Zayn shook his head at the last part, probably just over thinking it.

"Well it's about damn time, I'm freezing" The brunette huffed, Zayn rolling his eyes and chuckling softly at his girl.

"We're gonna sit outside anyways, what's the difference?" Natasha asked her while raising a brow. Liam rolled her eyes and gave her a slight glare. "Oh shut up and come on" She said and grabbed her wrist, pulling her inside.

Zayn and Adam both laughed at them as they watched them started bickering together in front of them, following the girls inside.

"So you ready for the game?" Adam asked Zayn as they showed their tickets, the officer glancing at the British man. "Honestly, not really. But I'm going anyways for Liam, plus, she was begging me the whole weekend to come with" Zayn chuckled and looked at Liam with so much fondness.

Adam smiled at that and chuckled. "Yeah, she's something else I tell you. But it's good that you came with. It's actually pretty fun. Best part is, if you catch a foul ball, it's a winner for Liam" he explained with a grin, Zayn laughing softly. "I'll keep that in mind, thanks"

"Come on lazy bums. The games about to start" Natasha yelled at the two guys who were too busy talking, rolling her eyes.

"You go ahead frizzy, we'll catch up" Adam called back, earning a glare from Natasha and a giggle from Liam. "My hair is not frizzy, it's flawless!" She huffed, the brunette rolling her eyes and pulling her best friend to the middle of the stadium.

"You prefer hot dogs or nachos with salsa or cheese sauce?" Adam asked as they walked over to a food stand.

"Nachos with salsa" Zayn replied. "Is it always so packed?" He asked and looked around, raising a brow.

"Sure is" Adam chuckled, ordering the food for them and the girls along with drinks. "So I have a question for you, I couldn't really ask you this last week because the girls were always around"

"Okay shoot" Zayn said and looked at the officer. "Do you really mean it with Liam? Because all the guys she's been have been playing her like she was a violin and honestly I've never seen her this happy since we moved here" Adam explained. "If you're also playing her, I won't hesitate on using the taser on you"

Zayn gulped at that and cleared his throat. "Don't worry mate. I wouldn't hurt her even if I could. She an amazing girl and I'd be glad to call her my girlfriend soon"

"Good. You're a good man Zayn" Adam hummed and patted the lads shoulder. He paid for the food, Zayn grabbing a few things as help.

"So what about you Adam? Got an eye on someone?" He asked as they made their way to their assigned seats, looking around and watching the stadium pile up.

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