00 | Prologue + Introductions

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What is love?
Does true love exist?
How does it feel to be in love?
What's the true meaning of love?

Questions that everyone is asking themselves every single day. Single or not. People who wonder if it's a real feeling or just something that is there, that doesn't make you want to feel alone.

A feeling you may feel with family and friends. People who have been there for you, supporting you through every step you take in your life. People who will still be by your side, no matter what mistakes you have made in the past.

A warmth feeling spreading in your heart, that fluttering, that racing, that skipping of a beat. Every time you hear those three little words, slipping out of someone's mouth who matters deeply within your heart.

Love isn't just the feeling you can play with, it's something much more valuable in this world that just can't be broken. The most important feeling anyone could have in their whole life.

Even if people are feeling as if they're alone out there, they're truly not. They will always have someone by their side, no matter what step they take. Even if it meant, the person is a total stranger.

Love will always follow you around. Love will always take place in your heart. You just got to fight for it. Fight for that feeling and show it to them.

To me love is art. It's beautiful, inspiring and creative, all at the same time. Love has so many meanings and sides, just like a canvas with a painting. It's bright at one side, but dark on the other, both having different meanings.

The bright side of love, is people who can feel it, no matter where they are, or what step they take. No matter if day or night. But the dark side of love, is people, who know there is something, but just can't really feel it. Who have a partner, that shows it to them, every night. But when the sun lights up the sky, it's as if, it is gone. Like it was never there.

Some people hide their love, out of fear and commitment. People who don't know what they are doing to the other person. Fear shouldn't be apart of this feeling. You should be proud of the people you love, not hide them away, because you are afraid. It's there for everyone, and everyone deserves it, even if they're worse.

People who like to call them monsters. But even monsters deserve to be loved. Because you may never know, if there is a heart underneath their skin. And if it just needs a little love, to light up their darkness.

I believe everyone deserves the feeling of love, no matter who they are, there will always be a good side to them. If they want to admit it or not. But I think love can make them better. Even stronger. Because they should know what they are fighting for out there.

But the worst feeling there is, is the feeling of pain, hurt and sadness all at once, when you've lost someone you've cared the most about in your life. May it be a family member or possibly the person you wanted to spent your whole life with, your soulmate.

And even tho love is a beautiful feeling and you never want to let it go, it always comes with a price. If you want to pay it or not.

But that's just the art of love.


Liam Payne, is a very attractive young woman. With a tight body and a beautiful face like hers, people would assume she's a model. But all she is, is a average twenty four year old waitress, just searching for love. Of course she doesn't mind all the attention guys give her once she passes them on the streets, she enjoys it very much since she never had that in her teenage years, yet their perverted way is getting on her nerves. And she knows now, most men just want their way with her. She hates it very much because believe it or not, she just wants someone to sweep her off her feet like Prince Charming. Someone who would treat her the way she wants to be treated and take care of her. But since her love life isn't the best and her working as a waitress, she ends up with middle aged rude and disgusting men every day.

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