22 | Zayn

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22 - first fight and I love you

Zayn was nervous, to say the least. Not only because of the phone call, but because he was meeting Liam's family in about five minutes. The two were sitting in the back of a small taxi that came to pick them up and drive them to the farm. Zayn and Liam haven't exchanged a word ever since their argument, the man chewing on his lip.

He glanced over at the brunette who was starring out the window and taking in all the beauty of the country, noticing with the look on her face that she missed her home.

"We're here" The driver said and stopped the car once they arrived in front of a huge farm, the couple getting out of the cab.

After getting the luggage out of the trunk, Zayn thanked and paid the man before grabbing the suitcases and carrying towards the house where Liam was heading off to. He sighed softly and bit his lip, looking around.

The man held onto the suitcases even after the door opened and Liam was greeted by her mother, who hugged her very tightly. "Mum, this is Zayn, my..."

"Boyfriend" Zayn finished her sentence, placing the suitcases down and sending her a charming smile. "It's nice to finally meet you misses Payne, I've heard so many things about you" He said kindly, holding out his hand.

Karen shook her head. "Oh please honey, call me Karen and in this house, we give hugs, so c'mere" She chuckled and pulled the young man into a bone crushing hug, Zayn chuckling softly at that and hugged her back.

"My oh my you really are handsome and charming at the same time. And a British accent as well, mm mm. Guess my daughter does have good taste in men after all" Her mother chuckled softly, pinching Zayn's cheek while Liam was blushing beside them.

"Um where are the others?" Liam asked after clearing her throat. "Oh your father is getting some groceries for thanksgiving tomorrow, Anthony is fixing the fence on the meadow and the twins are playing in the barn" Karen smiled and looked at her daughter. "It's so great to see you against darling" She sighed softly and hugged the brunette once more.

"Now why don't you two go upstairs and settle in? Dinner will be ready soon. Liam you know which room you'll two take"

Liam hummed and went towards the stairs, Zayn grabbing the suitcases and following after her, sending her mother another soft and thankful smile.

He chewed his bottom lip, looking at the different picture frames that were hanging on the wall while on his way up to the bedroom. He smiled softly at the pictures of when Liam was little.

Once they've finally reached the guest room and were inside, Zayn closed the door, locking it after. "What are you doing?" Liam asked as she took off her jacket, looking at the man with a raised eyebrow.

"Why are you so pissed all of the sudden?" Zayn asked and walked up to her.

"Oh I don't know, maybe because the fact that there was a phone call for you on our way here from a woman named Perrie Edwards" Liam snapped and hung her coat around a chair, walking over to get her suitcase.

Zayn grabbed her arm and pulled her back, looking at her. "Is that why?" He rose a brow.

"Of course! You have no idea what I thought while you were gone for the past ten minutes. What was so important that it couldn't wait until we land? Why did she even call you in the first place? But most importantly, who the fûck is she? Are you cheating on me? Oh wait, I can't really call it cheating since you haven't even asked me yet to be your fûcking girlfriend!" Zayn was surprised by Liam's sudden outburst, noticing her eyes fuming with anger and hurt.

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