19 | Liam

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19 - Midnight walking and a act of kindness

Liam and Zayn were walking through the dark and empty park after getting a New York styled hot dog from a small stand that was near by. Liam had Zayn's jacket over her shoulders since she forgot hers at his place.

"So tell me a little about Bradford" Liam said and licked the bit of mustard off her thumb, looking up at the man.

"There's nothing much to say honestly" Zayn chuckled softly, staring ahead. "Except that it's a small English town and that my street art work is hanging everywhere" He smiled softly, taking a bite out of his hot dog.

"I wanna visit Bradford" Liam decided and hummed, nodding her head. "And you will soon, when you meet my family" The man told her, glancing at Liam who was smiling widely.

Suddenly from the corner of her eye she noticed someone searching through a trash can, making her turn her head in that direction. A frown began to come upon her lips when she noticed it was a homeless man who was try to look for something to eat.

Liam looked at Zayn before putting the rest of her hot dog in half, giving the man the half where she took a bite of. "Wait here" She said and walked over to the man, getting out a can of soda she had also bought from the stand.

"Excuse me sir?" she spoke softly, the homeless man jumping in surprise at the sudden voice. He looked up from the bin and stared at Liam with confusion.

She held the hot dog and the soda can in front of him, giving him a soft smile. "For you" She said, the older man hesitantly reaching for the can and the food.

She smiled softly when the man took the gift, giving Liam a thankful smile before quickly scurrying away with his shopping cart, the brunette chuckling.

"I did not expect you to do that" Zayn said as he watched the brunette walk back to him, Liam shrugging. "My mama always said, one act of kindness each day can make the world a better place" She smiled and grabbed her half which wasn't much but she didn't care.

Zayn smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist, kissing her cheek. "And how many days have you already left a hint of kindness?"

"A lot" Liam giggled and smiled, leaning herself against his side. "Tell me about one" Zayn said softly and looked down at her, rubbing her sides.

"Well, there was this one time where a little girl came into the diner, everyday, just staring at cupcake booth. And every time I asked her if she wanted one, she would just look at me before leaving. And that went on and on. So one day I decided to buy some cupcakes for her and go look for her. Turned out she was homeless so I took matters into my own hands and brought her with me to Adam and Natasha. We all took care of her for that day and let her sleep over before we took her to the orphanage downtown. I visited her there everyday and brought her her favorite cupcakes so she wouldn't think I had forgotten her. And later on, I found out that a family was happy enough to take her in. I haven't heard from her since but I'm very much happy she found a new family" Liam explained with a smile, looking up at Zayn who was just staring lovingly down at her.

She blushed at that look and turned her gaze back to the beautiful park, biting her smile away. "You're amazing" She heard him say before feeling two fingers being placed underneath her chin and her head slowly turning back before Zayn's lips were pressed against hers.

Liam closed her eyes and kissed him back without hesitation, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulled him down closer. Zayn wrapped his arm around her waist, kissing her slowly and lovingly.

Liam bit at his bottom lip, running her fingers down his neck. "Wanna head back home?" She asked against his lips, Zayn nodding his head.

"And do what?" He pulled away, moving his lips down her jaw. "Oh I have an idea" Liam bit her lip, smirking when Zayn pulled away to looked down at her.

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