13 | Liam

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13 - Late night sèx and pillow talk

The brunette moaned softly when her back connected with the car door, the man towering her. She bit her lip hard when he dipped his head down to place wet and rough kisses against her neck.

Liam hummed at that, running her fingers through his locks and gripping his hair tightly as he started sucking and nipping at her tanned skin.

She gasped when Zayn started sucking at her birthmark, tilting her head a little back to give him more access. "You're so fûcking sexy baby girl" She heard Zayn growl against her skin, making her smirk.

"Oh am I?" She asked and licked her lips, eyes fluttering close as Zayn kissed up her neck and jaw. "You are" He chuckled deeply.

Liam looked up at him, scanning his features and bit her bottom lip. "I wanna feel your beard between my thighs so badly" She blurted out, licking her lips at the thought of it scratching her skin down there.

"You get to feel it down there in no time angel" Zayn smirked and opened the car door for her, kissing her hard. Liam moaned into the kiss, pulling him closer by the back of his head. "Can't wait to get you out of this dress" Zayn groaned against her lips when Liam moved her hand down to his hardening crotch, squeezing it gently.

"Can't wait to finally feel you inside of me" The brunette purred seductively into the man's ear, smirking to herself before pushing him gently away and getting into the car.

She looked up at Zayn and giggled at his look before buckling up, watching as he quickly jogged around the car and get in on the other side.

The trip back to their apartment building wasn't long, but it felt like ages since the couple was teasing the both of them a lot, both being sexually frustrated.

But once they arrived and went up to Zayn apartment as fast as possible, it started to go down. The minute Zayn closed the door, he pushed the brunette against it, movin his hand to her back to unzip the dress.

Liam was panting softly, biting her lip and watched Zayn slowly slide the dress down her body, noticing his eyes being on her breasts since she wasn't wearing a bra. She smirked to herself and moaned in surprise when she felt his lips wrap around one of her nipples, his hands gripping them firmly.

"Oh god" She felt his tongue circle and flick over her sensitive bud, making her gasp at the small amount of pleasure. It moving directly down to her already throbbing core.

She was craving his touch down there. Wanting nothing more but to feel him inside of her, thrusting hard against her g-spot. She wanted him to fûck her until the morning dawn, when the sun would light up the morning sky again.

"Fûck" She moaned, throwing her head back as he started sucking harder, leaning herself back against the wall.

A soft whine left her lips when the man pulled back, making her pout. "Zaynie..." She looked up at him with her big brown eyes, Zayn chuckling softly at the cuteness.

"Don't worry babe" He said and leaned down a little, kissing her chest softly while placing his hands under her thighs, swiftly picking her up. Liam squeaked at that and wrapped her legs tightly around his waist, giggling. "You'll get something better when we're upstairs" He smirked and continued to ravish her skin, carrying the girl up the stairs and towards his bedroom.

On the way to the mans bedroom, both of them lost their shoes, them tumbling down the stairs. "And what is that?" Liam asked breathlessly, biting back another moan and burying her face in his hair.

"Patience baby" Zayn chuckled and gently laid her on his bed, buttoning his shirt open while looking down at her.

Liam made herself comfortable on the bed, biting her lip as she smirked up at him. She licked her lips, sitting up and leaning herself back on her hands.

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