29 | Liam

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29 - Getting to know Toni Mahfud and interesting dinner

"Babe I want you to behave" Liam warned her boyfriend as they got ready for the dinner, fixing the mans tie. "No overprotective brother vibe and don't think about asking him about babies" She gave him a look and straightened it.

"Yeah yeah" Zayn mumbled, watching her intently. Liam chuckled softly. "That was not convincing." She rolled her eyes fondly and patted his chest gently. "If you behave, I promise you I'll ride you all night" She whispered into his ear and smirked, feeling the man place his hands tightly on her hips.

"You better" She felt a shiver run down her spine at how deep his voice was, biting her lip gently. "Only if you behave daddy" She grinned cheekily, pushing him away before he could kiss her.

"Let's go down, the reservation's at eight and we're meeting them there" Liam walked over to the closet, grabbing her purse from it and looked at herself in the mirror, fixing her curls.

She watched Zayn walk up from behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pushing her hair aside, pressing his lips against her skin. She giggled at the feeling of his beard tickling her.

"Baby please..." She trailed off and tilted her head a little to the side, her eyes fluttering close. She gasped when Zayn suddenly pushed her against the closet, her hands gripping the smooth wood and moaned softly, feeling him rub his crøtch area against her âss.

"You're seriously gonna do this now?" Liam threw her head a little back, biting her lip gently. "I know you want to" Zayn whispered hotly into her hear, bending her a little over the closet.

"Now that you're turning me on like that, fûck yes" She moaned as Zayn started to dry hump her. "You look so sexy in this dress baby, so innocent. Makes me want to rip it off you and fûck you so bad" He grunted dirtily into her ear, biting at her earlobe.

"God Zayn please stop it" Liam moaned and wrapped an arm around his neck, gripping his locks. "You can fûck me when we're back here just please stop before I'm gonna cum. I'm already so wet"

"Let daddy taste you first" The man smirked deviously and moved his hand under her short dress, feeling how damped her panties already were. "Fûck princess" He licked his lips and slowly rubbed at her through the thin fabric, Liam starting to grind herself against his fingers.

"Oh god" She moaned softly  and threw her head back at the sudden pleasure, biting her bottom lip. "You gonna fûck me tonight daddy?" She asked, gasping when Zayn thrusted his hips against her âss.

"Oh yeah, gonna fûck you so hard baby girl" Zayn whispered with a smirk, always loving it when Liam would get so dirty.

"I'm gonna cum" The brunette moaned loudly and pushed her âss a little back, feeling Zayn's clothed bulge grind hard against her.

"Cum for daddy princess" That brought Liam over the edge and caused her to cum and wet her panties even more, a soft groan leaving her lips.

She gasped and panted softly, trying to get down from her high as Zayn pulled his hand away from her crotch, hearing him hum behind her after a few seconds, meaning he tasted her.

"I just love the way you taste." He smirked at her through the mirror. "I'll meet you downstairs sugar" He whispered into her ear and kissing her head before leaving the bedroom, Liam glaring after him.

"Âsshole" She mumbled to herself, chuckling softly after fixing her hair.


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