32 | Zayn

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32 - Hot chocolate and travel agency

Zayn woke up in the middle of the night to a empty side beside him, making him groan and rub his tired eyes. He turned around to his night stand, grabbing his phone and checked the time, seeing that it was two am in the morning.

He sighed softly and placed the phone back, slowly sitting up. "Liam?" He called, his voice raspy and deep from sleep. Zayn pushed himself up and stretched his limbs, dragging his feet out the bedroom.

He noticed from the far that Liam was sitting by the piano Zayn had bought her a few weeks ago, a cup of hot chocolate and papers all being spread on the top. He leaned himself against the rail and watched her, smiling softly at the beautiful sight of her.

The moonlight was shining at her through the huge Windows, the Stars sparkling in clear night sky, no clouds to be seen. Her bottom lip was stuck between her teeth as she wrote something down on the sheet of paper before her, her curls all tangled up on one side. He now noticed she was wearing one of his dress shirts, her chocolate brown eyes scanning the words she was writing down. He spotted Snowflake and Watson cuddling together on the couch, the kittens head nuzzled in the huge dogs ear.

Zayn chuckled softly and pushed himself up, slowly walking to and down the wooden stairs. Running his fingers through his hair, the man stepped closer to his beautiful lover, slowly rapping his arms around her waist.

"What are you doing out of bed?" He murmured softly into her mess of curls, watching as she tried to write a song. "I couldn't sleep." The brunette mumbled, tilting her head up to look at him.

Zayn cooed and kissed her lips gently, moving his lips up to kiss the top of her nose and then her forehead. "Maybe I can put you back to sleep baby." He grinned softly, Liam chuckling at him.

"Stop being horny for once." She leaned her back against him, placing the pen down. "I can't help it if my girlfriends such a sexy, beautiful and adorable young woman." The man whispered, kissing the top of her head softly.

Liam smiled at that and looked up at him, biting her lip. "I love you."

"I love you too princess." Zayn replied, caressing her soft cheek gently with his thumb. "Now get your perfect âss up and come back to bed." He said before picking her up from the chair, the girl squealing and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Zaynie." She whined softly with a pout, huffing a loose strand out of her face. "Oh don't pout beautiful." He chuckled softly and placed her on the bed once they've reached the bedroom.


Zayn looked at the building, biting his bottom lip. He looked down at the crumbled up piece of paper in his hand smiling softly at the title.

Liam Payne's bucket list

He found the paper in one of her boxes when he helped her settle in. When he looked through it he noticed all of interesting things on there, but one wish caught his eye. So now here he was, standing in front of a travel agency.

The man took a deep breath and slowly walked inside, noticing the places wasn't that busy at the moment, or more like he was the only one here. He looked around and smiled a little, spotting beautiful brochures and pictures of beautiful places on the wall.

He walked over to a free desk and sat down on the chair in front of it, chewing his bottom lip. He jumped when he heard a crash coming from a back, hearing a voice yell something he couldn't quite register.

Suddenly a elderly woman came stumbling from out of the back, straightening herself. "Sorry about that darling." She cleared her throat and fixed her glasses, walking over to the desk.

She took a seat. "Hello there handsome. How may I help you?" The woman smiled softly, Zayn's gaze flicking down to her name tag.

Bonnie Gilbert.

"Um I would like to make a huge present for my girlfriend." Zayn smiled softly at the woman.

"I see, and what kind is that sir?" The older woman asked and typing away in her computer. "I want to surprise her with a world tour." The dark haired man bit his bottom lip gently.

"Woah yes that is a big present." The woman chuckled softly. "Which places would you like to go darling?"

"All states in the U.S., Canada, South America, Asia, Africa, Europe, just everywhere. All around the world, I have enough money to pay for this." Zayn got out a fat envelope. "It's her dream to visit the whole world and I want her to live it. It would mean a lot if you could maybe manage that." He smiled a little and placed it on the counter, Bonnie looking at the envelope.

She smiled softly. "You know you have a big heart. Doing something like this for the one you love the most. I don't see that all day." She chuckled softly and typed something into the computer. "Consider it done. Just sign these files and I will send you an envelope with all the tickets by the end of the week."

The man was shocked to say the least, his eyes wide. "Really!?" He exclaimed happily, his lips curling into a wide smile. "For a man like you, I'd do anything darling." Bonnie told him and nodded her head gently, smiling.

"Thank you so much, oh gosh. This really means a lot." Zayn grabbed the pen as soon as the woman slid a sheet of paper toward him, signing it quickly.

"Happy holidays sweetheart." The woman chuckled softly and waved at the man, sighing in content with a smile.


"Babe? I'm home!" Zayn grinned as he walked into the apartment with a few bags in his hands. "I'm in the kitchen!" He heard his beautiful girlfriends voice call from the kitchen area, making him hum and drag his feet towards it.

"Hello my beautiful darling." He murmured into her neck once he set the bags and reached her, wrapped his arm around her stomach as he watched her chop some vegetables.

"Hey." Liam giggled softly and tilted her head a little when Zayn kissed her cheek, eating a piece of carrot. "I could get used to coming home to this." He whispered into her head, causing the girl to shiver underneath him.

"Why are you in such a good mood?" She asked with another giggle, biting her bottom lip.

"I just got your present. And it's a great deal." Zayn grinned proudly at himself, kissing his girlfriends neck.

"Oh really?" Liam turned around in his arms after placing the knife down, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Oh really." He replied and leaned down, pecking her lips a couple of time. "Does this call for a celebration?" The brunette smirked softly, bumping their noses.

"Bottle of Italian wine, wonderful food you cooked with dessert and after a evening of love making. Yes." The British man chuckled softly, picking up Liam unexpectedly which made her squeal.

"Zayn I have to cook!" She giggled and bit her lip, placing her hands on his cheeks.

"A little kissing won't interfere..." He smirked as he placed her on the counter. "Kinda does you dork." Liam rolled her eyes fondly at him leaning down to peck his lips before pushing him away and hopping off the counter again and continued to prepare dinner.

Zayn chuckled softly and licked his lips, kissing her head before heading up to the bring the bags away.

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