33 | Liam

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33 - Decorating the tree and lovely moments

Liam hummed softly when she felt soft lips being pressed against her neck as she tried to hang up a red christmas ball on their four feet tall Christmas tree they recently bought. "Zaynie stop." She giggled softly and tried to dodge his teeth as he was about to bite at her skin.

"Oh come on baby." Zayn huffed and pulled her closer by her waist, swaying them around. "Just one more time." He grinned, running his hands underneath her PJ top.

"No, we have to get this done." Liam bites down on her bottom lip, smiling like an idiot as the man continued to attack her neck with soft kisses.

"How about we finish this for later and just have sêx now?" Zayn grinned, snatching the box out of her hand and placing it away, wrapping his arms around her body.

The brunette rolled her eyes with a dramatic sigh, placing her palms on his chest. "You suck." She huffed and looked up at him through her thick lashes.

"Nah, but I know what you'll suck in a few seconds." The dark haired man smirked and pushed her down on the couch before climbing on top of her body.

"You're an ass." She scoffed playfully and rolled her eyes, squealing when she was flipped around by her boyfriend, gasping as her arms were pinned against the small of her back.

"Don't get all sassy with me. You don't want to end up on the naughty list now do you?" The girl shivered at how thick and deep her lovers accent was, biting her lip gently.

"What makes you think I don't?" Liam moaned softly when Zayn suddenly landed a hard slap on her ass, her back slightly arching.

"I wouldn't test me." Zayn tsked, licking his lips slowly. "You know how I get."

"How can I forget?" Liam pushed her âss back and moaned yet again, burying her head into the pillows. Zayn chuckled lowly and leaned down, pressing his lips against the back of her neck.

"I love you." Liam smiled a little when she heard those three little words slip out of his mouth again, for the tenth time that day. She loved hearing him say those words, it always made her heart explode and her stomach irrupt with butterflies.

She slowly got turned around on her back, making her immediately pull him down and smash their lips together. "I love you too." She smiled and bit down his bottom lip, gently nibbling at it.

The dark haired man grinned at that and wrapped his arms tightly around her as he dropped himself beside her, the girl cuddling against him. "I've never felt this way before about anyone." Liam mumbled softly after a minute of silence.

"Really?" Zayn smiled softly at that, his lips brushing against her forehead as he rubbed her arm up and down.

"Yeah." The brunette smiles softly. "You make me feel so happy and giddy it's... amazing. You make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world." She clutched onto him like a baby koala, not once wanting to let him go. She knew she was being clingy right now, but it seemed like it didn't bother Zayn, which it didn't.

The British man chuckled softly, his chest vibrating and causing the younger girl to giggle at that. "You amaze me, Liam Payne." He smiled brightly, his eyes crinkling a little and his tongue pressed against the back of his teeth.

Liam looked up at him and cooed at his smile, cupping his cheeks. "I swear you're cute and sexy at the same time, it's killing me." She caressed his cheekbones, biting her lip gently. Her eyes scanned her man's features, still mesmerized by his natural beauty. Long, thick lashes, Lucius dark hair, pink and plump lips, a cute button nose with a small diamond piercing, a scruffy beard, high cheek bones, chiseled jaw and thick eyebrows.

She was so in love with him. He made her heart skip a beat every time, her body would start to tingle with every gentle touch or kiss he gave her, sparks would fly every time they kissed so softly and butterflies would fly around her stomach every single time he would say those three little words which made her day even brighter then the day before.

Liam felt like she was the happiest girl on earth. She loved having him by her side, protect her, take care of her and love her the way she always wanted her man to be. Zayn was everything and even though they fell in love in such a short time line, it already felt like years to her, to them.

Their love story was something special. Much different then any other. Sure they have a lot of sêx and by a lot, I mean a lot. But their love for each other is very strong. Honestly, you can't really see any relationship that has this much love these days.

Liam came back to reality when she felt Zayn's cold hand wander up her thigh, making her squeeze her legs shut in surprise. "What are you doing?" She asked quickly and looked up at him, biting her lip.

"You zoned out so I thought this might bring you back and I was right." Zayn hummed with a grin, chuckling softly. "Where did you go?"

"I was just thinking." The brunette rolled her eyes and playfully pushed him away before sitting up and fixing her hair.

"Mm." He buried his face into the couch cushion, watching his girl tie her long hair up into a messy bun. "What were you thinking about?" He closed his eyes, the brunette laying down beside him again and cuddling against his chest.

"Just about how I got so lucky." She replied with a smiled, letting Zayn wrap his arms around her.

"You and me both princess." The man whispered softly into her ear and smiled kissing a spot under her ear.

The brunette sighed happily in content, fluttering her eyes close as she enjoyed this moment with her man.

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