06 | Zayn

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06 - first dates and spray painting trains

Hours went by after this morning, Zayn being in his art studio and decorating it the way he always wanted it to be to pass the time before he was going to get ready for Liam's and his first date.

He was excited for it, already having everything planned out for this night. He was happy and relived that Liam agreed to do this ten date rule with him. He really wanted to get to know her better and just treat her the way she deserves to be treated.

Zayn could already feel that the two would get along just fine, this morning proving everything. He never really felt this way about anyone honestly, nor did he feel anything this quick for someone. Usually it took him a while until he developed feelings for someone. But Liam was different. And he wasn't planning on complaining.

He glanced at his watch before looking over at his duffle bag, a small grin forming his lips. This was definitely going to be a fun night.

His eyes went back to the canvas that was standing before him, placing the small brush he had on in the colorful can filled with dirty water and put the plastic plate with the paint on his desk, rubbing his fingers through snowflake's fur who was walking around on the already messy desk.

He stretched his arms before picking the kitten up and carrying her into his bedroom right beside the art studio. Zayn placed her on the bed before walking to his walk-in-closet, taking off his shirt and throwing it on the pile on the floor.

He hummed softly while looking for fresh clothing, running his fingers through his hair.

Once he found the perfect outfit he changed into it, grabbing his cologne and spraying some on him before putting on his beanie and a hoodie. He slipped into his shoes and his leather jacket, heading back to grab the duffle bag. "I'll be back around midnight snowflake" He called and with that, he walked down the steps after grabbing his keys, heading out his apartment.

He walked down towards Liam's apartment, knocking on the door once he had reached it and bit his lip.

The door opened, revealing a shirtless Adam who looked at him with a straight face, his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Officer" Zayn slightly smiled at him, getting a little nervous due to the man's stare down.

Adam noticed Zayn's look, laughing once again before giving him a cheeky grin and calling Liam's name, the brunette practically running down the steps. "I'm here!" She said and fixed her curls, smiling over at the man by the door who was in a slight state of confusion due to Adam.

But he smiled softly once he saw her and chuckled lightly, letting his eyes run up and down her tight body. She was wearing a pair of baggy ripped jeans with a dark button up shirt, a few buttons open which showed her cleavage perfectly, her curls was dangling loosely down her shoulders while a dark beanie was resting on her head. Zayn watched as she slipped into a pair of sneakers.

"I'll see you later" She said to Adam and kissed his cheek, grabbing her bag and jacket before walking out.

"Bye" Adam chuckled. "Have her back by midnight Malik or else" The man gave Zayn a warning look to which he nodded quickly, biting his lip.

Liam rolled her eyes at her best friend. "Come on zee" She said and grabbed his hand, pulling him away from the door and towards the elevator.

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