42 | Zayn

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42 - The funeral

It was the day of Liam's funeral. The day he had a chance to say his last goodbye's, the day he had to let her go. He couldn't do it. The thought just hurt him so much. So so much. It was unbearable. But he had to. He had to show up today, for her. For the sake of her family, for the sake of Adam and Natasha. He had to be there to show everyone that he could still be strong, even if it meant breaking into tears in front of them. He didn't care.

He was allowed to shed tears over the woman he lost, the one he wanted to spend a rest of his life with and was about to start a beautiful family.

The church was piling up with her friends, her family and Zayn's family. Everyone he knows and hasn't yet met before came just for her, which brought a small smile upon his lips, knowing how many people appreciated and loved her. Even their neighbors came to say their last goodbye's.

It was only half an hour into the funeral, after father Moore was done with his speech, that Zayn walked up the stage, biting his bottom lip rather nervously. His eyes wandered around the room and landed on Liam's family, his gaze softening even more at the heart breaking sight.

He then looked down at the microphone, taking a deep breath before he spoke. "Liam Payne, was a bright young woman." His voice was shaky, his hands were shaking and his heart kept beating faster and faster by the second.

"She was outgoing, sweet and kindhearted, some say she had a heart made out of gold, which she did. I remember the time we walked around Central Park one evening, after buying some hotdogs and sodas. We crossed paths with a homeless man." A small smile spread his lips at the memory. "She walked up to him and gave him the rest of her hotdog along with her soda. I didn't expect her to do that but she told me, that her mother said to her once, one act of kindness each day can make the world a better place." Zayn looked over at Karen with a soft smile, the woman returning the gesture through her tears.

"Liam had a beautiful soul, a beautiful life and a beautiful family. She had everything she ever needed, everything she ever wanted. I loved her, I still love her. With all my heart. I loved everything she ever did. And no matter if she's dead or if she was still standing right here next to me. I know, I would– I will always love her. She was the epitome of perfection, a girl that wanted adventure, a girl that supported everyone, even after finding out their secrets they've been hiding." He glanced over at Natasha and Adam, both of them holding onto each other for dear life.

"I know she wouldn't want us to keep crying after her. I know she wants us to move on with our lives, make worth out of it." But for some moving on is just too hard. "Liam Payne meant the world to me. She was everything I've ever dreamt of. She would've been such an amazing mother, an amazing wife. She had talents no one really knew about, a happy vibe that some people enjoyed having around them. I know i enjoyed her presence, her embrace, her warmth." Zayn looked down at his hands, sighing deeply.

"Liam Payne will always be remembered as the sweet, kind waitress that made everyone smile with a simple hello." Zayn finished, his voice softer than ever, and turned around. "I will always love you, Liam." He whispered as he placed his hand on top of the closed casket, his eyes watering.


"I'm very sorry for you loss, dear. Liam was such a wonderful young woman." Miss Henderson, one of the neighbors, told Zayn with a sad smile on her lips as she shook hands with him. "Thank you for supporting us on this day Miss Henderson." He told her with a thankful smile.

He released a sigh as the older woman walked away into his apartment, the man looking around before he headed into the kitchen. He got himself a glass, getting out a bottle of whiskey before pouring himself some. "Sweetie?" The man turned around, just to face his mother, placing the glass bottle back down on the counter.

"Yeah mum?" He asked her softly, looking down at the shorter woman. "I just want you to know, that me and your father will be staying here for a while, just to keep an eye on you. Natasha and Adam told us what's going on and we're just really worried about you." Trisha grabbed her son's hands, looking up at him with a worried gaze.

"Mum, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." The dark haired man chuckled yet sighed another sigh after. He's been doing that a lot lately.

"Honey, no. We're staying and we're going to take care of our baby." His mother exclaimed, always having the last word in everything.

Zayn nodded his head after that, Trisha placing a gentle kiss to her son's cheek and giving him a soft smile before walking out of the kitchen, leaving the man with his whiskey.

He reached back for his glass, bringing it up to his lips and gulping down the bitter liquor, loving how it burned his throat. He placed the glass back down, licking his lips and looked up once he felt someone tap his shoulder.

It was Adam. "Hey man, how're you holding up?" He asked him, patting his shoulder. "I've felt better." The dark haired man replied with a deep and dry chuckle, rubbing his jaw. "What about you and Natasha? How are you two?"

"We're still coping, but it's getting better for me. Natasha though, she's still too emotional. She really misses her." Adam sighed and shook his head, looking over at his girlfriend who was blankly staring out the window, looking as if she was fighting back the tears.

"Don't we all?" Zayn leaned himself against the counter and looked down at his feet, rubbing his chest. "Look, Zee, is it alright if I go? I still have to clear something up." Adam asked slowly, biting his lip as the other man looked up at him.

"Police work?" Zayn lifted one of his eyebrows, looking at his friend. Adam nodded. "Yeah, it's a really important case that I've been working on for a week."

"Yeah of course, as long as you'll be here for dinner, I'm cool." Zayn chuckled lightly and have him a reassuring smile. "I wish you luck."

"Thanks man." Adam returned the smile and gave him a quick hug before he left, the dark haired lad watching him go. He then looked down at his hand, spotting the engagement ring he gave to Liam in Paris, rubbing his thumb over it. The doctors gave it back to him after trying to save her, thinking it might be a good thing to do, which it was. He lifted his hand up, placing a soft kiss to the expensive jewelry.


My heart is torn into pieces 😪
The ending is near, I'm not ready to write this story finish. This one's one of my faves. And I appreciate all the support you are giving this book, so thank you, but there'll be a huge at the end of this book

Also Small self promo :

I posted a new story called 'when we were eighteen' I got the idea from xzixamx thanks again hun❤️

I posted a new story called 'when we were eighteen' I got the idea from xzixamx thanks again hun❤️

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Cover credit goes to worshipayne ❤️

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