03 | Liam

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03 - Subway meeting

Liam hummed softly as she walked down the steps with the grocery bags in her hands, her eyes glued onto her phone as she texted Natasha that she'd be home soon. Her eyes suddenly went wide when she noticed that the doors of her train started closing and she quickly started running down the last few steps and towards the train, but it was too late, it was already taking off.

"Shît" She cursed and bit her lip as she looked around to see when the next train would arrive. The next thing she knew was the bottom of one of the grocery bags ripping open and all of the items that were in it falling out. "Are you kidding me?" She groaned in frustrations and placed the other two bags down before kneeling herself down to pick up the groceries.

She sighed softly and placed the items into the other bags, jumping when she suddenly heard a deep rather sexy British accent appear out of no where.

"Need any help love?"

Liam slowly lifted her head to spot two black boots standing only two feet away from her. Her eyes slowly traveled up the strangers legs and body, her eyes soon meeting two mesmerizing hazel orbs.

Her breath hitched. The man in front of her was beautiful. Jet black slick hair hidden under a grey beanie and a hoodie, long dark lashes, cute button nose with a small diamond piercing on the left, pink plump kissable lips, high cheekbones, sharp jaw which looked like it could cut anyone and a scruffy looking beard covering it. She spotted a few tattoos on his hands and chest, wondering if there were more underneath his clothes.

She watched as he slowly kneeled down in front of her, smiling softly before picking up the rest of the packaged food.

Liam was still at a loss for words, her lips slightly parted. She scanned his every move, watching him get something out of his leather jacket pocket. It was a bag which he opened and placed all the groceries he had in it before handing it to her.

Liam felt all the heat running up to her cheeks, them turning a deep shade of red as she grabbed the bag from his hand. "Thank you..." She said shyly and slowly stood up with him, the man grabbing the other two bags.

"You're welcome beautiful" He smiled charmingly, shivers running down Liam's spine at how smooth and soft yet so deep his voice was.

Suddenly out of nowhere, a small meowing appeared, making Liam look at the man with narrowed eyebrows. When she was about to ask him if it came from him, she noticed a small head of a kitten popped out of the man's leather jacket from the corner of her eye, her gaze now on the small kitten.

"Oh my gosh" She gasped and cooed at the cute kitten who was now meowing and trying to get out even though it was still sleepy.

The man chuckled and slowly got the kitten out of his jacket, after putting the other bag he still held into his other hand. "What's its name?" Liam asked with awe.

"Beats me. I just found her in one of the alleyways in a small box" He answered and smiled softly. "She nearly drowned because of how much water there was in the box"

Liam frowned at that and looked at the kitten. "So no one wanted her I'm guessing" She said softly and rubbed the tip of her index finger against its small pink nose, the kitten suddenly sneezing after that.

Both Liam and the man chuckled at that, the man looking up at Liam. "Are you gonna keep her?" the brunette asked him, tilting her head.

"I was planning on it, yeah" The dark haired lad chuckled, Liam noticing his eyes suddenly roaming her appearance. But for some reason, he didn't have a lustful look in his eyes like most men. It was more in awe, as if he was taking all of her beauty in.

Without her knowing, her cheeks were a deep shade of red and her bottom lip was trapped between her teeth, trying to hide away her smile.

"Where are you heading love?" The man suddenly asked, smiling down at the brunette.

"Sixth avenue" Liam answered shyly. "What about you?" She looked up at him, biting her lip.

"Coincidence, I'm heading there too" He said with a deep chuckle. "Oh before I forget, I'm Zayn by the way, Zayn Malik" He introduced himself with another charming smile, Liam noticing he liked to smile a lot.

The brunette giggled softly. "Nice to meet you Zen, I'm Liam" She returned the smiled.

"Leeyum" Zayn repeated it, Liam already loving how it rolled off his tongue. Wonder what it would be like if he'd moan i— she shook her head to push those thoughts away.

What the hell? She literally just met the guy five minutes ago and she was already having dirty thoughts about him. But honestly, who wouldn't have dirty thoughts about someone who's practically sêx on legs. Oh what she would love to do with hi— Liam cleared her throat to cut her thoughts off, blushing after that when the dark haired lad gave her a weird look.

"You okay?" He chuckled deeply and put the small kitten back in his hoodie, letting her cuddle herself against his chest.

"Y—yeah I'm fine" Liam answered and blushed some more. She was definitely not fine. Here she was thinking dirty about a very sexy British man ( British men were her weaknesses ) who had such a kind heart that she could just grab him and kiss him spot on because he was already so perfect. But she wouldn't, well not yet at least.

She was so deep in thought about what she would do that she didn't notice the next metro already arriving, her snapping out of it when Zayn started talking again. "Mind if I join you through the ride?"

"Yes" Liam nodded her head. "Wait oh I meant no, no I don't mind" She shook her head quickly and blushed some more in embarrassment, bitin her lip as she turned around and stepped into the empty train.

Zayn watched her go in first and he couldn't help but laugh softly at her cuteness before following her, looking behind him to make sure they didn't leave anything.

Liam sat down on one of the plastic seats and leaned herself back, looking up at Zayn who sat down beside her. "Thanks again for the help" She said softly and smiled shyly at him.

"It was no problem, really" Zayn replied and placed the bags between his legs on the floor, holding onto them while looking down at the kitten.

"So what are you gonna name her?"

Zayn shrugged. "Honestly, I'm not sure" He said softly and looked back up and directly into Liam's eyes.

"How about snowflake?" The brunette suggested, grinning up at him.

"Snowflake?" Zayn rose a brow and looked down at the kitten who was sleeping peacefully again. He smiled. "Snowflake it then" He chuckled softly and sighed, leaning himself back.

"So did you just move to New York or have you been here for a while now?"

"I moved in today" Zayn hummed. "Got an apartment by sixth avenue, it's building five" He answered, looking up at her.

"Really? That's so weird, I live there too" I thank the heavens for this, Liam thought the last part, looking up at the ceiling of the train.

"What apartment?" Zayn smiled and watched her, chuckling. "7B"


"So we're neighbors" Hallelujah.

"Looks like we are" Zayn grinned. "Do you have roommates or a roommate?"

"I have two, yeah. Why are you asking?"

"Well there was a guy name Adam helping me with my boxes and everything. He also said he lives in apartment 7B"

"Yeah that's a friend of mine" Liam chuckled softly. "He's nice isn't he?"

"Well, course he is but his joke about the place being haunted freaked me out"

"He uses that one on everyone" Liam chuckled and shook her head. "He just wants to get a laugh out there and show them he's a good cop and a kind neighbor"

"Yeah I got the message there" Zayn smiled, looking around the empty train. The two got to know each other some more and talked through the hold ride home, both of them feeling the same connection towards each other.

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