08 | Zayn

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08 - late night sketching and morning coffee

"Thank you so much for this night, it was the best date I've ever had so far" Liam said once her and Zayn arrived in front of her apartment door. Zayn smiled down charmingly at the brunette, watching her lean her back against the door. "It was my pleasure to take you out. Glad you liked it"

"I didn't like it, I loved it" Liam giggled softly and bit her lip, smiling up at him. "Can't wait for the second date"

The dark haired man chuckled softly and hummed. "Me too babe" He smiled softly and looked down at her. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

Liam nodded. "Yeah, course" She smiled widely before getting on her toes and pressing a quick yet soft peck on his stubbled cheek. She grinned and unlocked the door behind her. "Goodnight Z"

"N-night" Zayn stuttered a little with a blush on his tanned cheeks, watching her walk into the apartment with another cute giggle, sending him a shy wave.

The man still stood there when as the door closed in front of him, a wide smile forming on his lips and he placed a hand on his cheek before mumbling a yes. He jogged over to his door and unlocked it, getting inside.

"Snowflake" he called out through his empty apartment, throwing his keys on the kitchen counter while walking further inside and taking off his jacket.

He jumped a little when he felt something rub against his leg and looked down, just to spot snowflake there who was purring and cuddling against him. She jumped up to get a little higher before dropping herself on the floor. Zayn chuckled softly at her cuteness and picked the kitten up, receiving a small cute meow.

He smiled when he felt snowflake lick his hand as he petted her, already knowing she loved the attention and most of all him. He was happy about it.

The man chuckled and sat down on the couch with her, snowflake clawing herself in his hoodie and resting her head on his shoulder while purring softly into his ear.

"Had a nice night, snow?" He asked the kitten who just cuddled her way against his neck, purring. "I'll take that as a yes" He chuckled softly and looked around the place, surprisingly nothing was destroyed.

He smiled down at the kitten before standing up and carrying her up to his studio. He placed her down on his desk, taking off his jacket and hoodie along with his shirt. He turned on the lamp and pulled his chair closer to his desk. He plopped down on it and grabbed his sketchbook along with his pencil case, getting a B2 pencil out.

He started sketching all the thoughts that were stuck in his head the whole night through. His bottom lip was trapped between his teeth in concentration. He hummed softly to the song that was blasting from his phone, snowflake sleeping peacefully on the desk beside his iPhone.

Zayn glanced at the kitten and smiled softly, running his fingers through her puffy fur. He released a soft yawn, rubbing at his eyes and looked at the time on his phone. 3 am.

He let out a heavy sigh, looking down at the sketch and tilted his head, biting his lip. It was now that he noticed he drew Liam.

All the details were exactly like the details in his head, the way he would picture seeing her in the morning one day, her hair all tangled up on one side, her eyes sparkling with the morning sun in the background, her shoulder exposed and her lip...

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All the details were exactly like the details in his head, the way he would picture seeing her in the morning one day, her hair all tangled up on one side, her eyes sparkling with the morning sun in the background, her shoulder exposed and her lips slightly swollen from the morning kissing.

What a sight Zayn would love to see. He bit at his lip, tracing the sketch with his fingers and smiled to himself before closing the sketch book and putting it aside. He turned off the lamp and picked up snowflake, heading towards his bedroom for a good night sleep.


Zayn jolted out of his peaceful sleep to the sound of his doorbell. He groaned in annoyance and stood up, rubbing at his tired eyes as he walked down the steps.

"I'm coming!" He yelled once the person didn't stop ringing the bell. He sighed and opened the door once he reached it, his eyes landing on Liam.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with a yawn, leaning himself against the doorway. "Is that how you greet the people in the morning?" Liam asked with her head tilted to the side, raising a brow.

"M'not a morning person" Zayn chuckle tiredly. "Plus I stayed up all night" He added and rested his cheek against the wooden doorway, his eyes slowly dropping.

He heard Liam giggle softly at that and pat his cheek before being pushed back inside and closed the door. "Nice place" She hummed and looked around, smiling.

"Go crash on the couch, I'll make us some coffee"

"You're too sweet" Zayn smiled at that and yawned, stretching his sore limbs. "What did you do last night?" Liam asked with a chuckle as she walked into the kitchen area, getting out two cups and a bag of coffee beans she found in his cabinet.

"I couldn't sleep, so I ended up sketching" Zayn said as he dropped himself on the couch, looking over at her and watching her.

The brunette hummed. "Right, you're an art freak" She grinned and glanced at him, Zayn noticing her eyes raking his body. That's when he noticed he was still shirtless.

"Not just any art freak is I must say" Zayn smirked and rested his head on his arms once he crossed them behind his head, causing his biceps to tense a little.

Liam's eyes switched up to his biceps and she bit her lip as she made the coffee, the man chuckling to himself and his smirk growing. "The successful street artist kind like you said last night, right?" She asked after clearing her throat, getting the coffee pot out of the machine and pouring the hot coffee into the cups.

 "The successful street artist kind like you said last night, right?" She asked after clearing her throat, getting the coffee pot out of the machine and pouring the hot coffee into the cups

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She got a small milk kettle out of the fridge and poured the milk that was in it into the cups. "One or two?"

"Two. I like my coffee sweet" Zayn answered and closed his eyes, stretching himself on the couch before sighing in relaxation.

Liam smiled and added two sugar cubes into both, stirring them. She hummed softly and grabbed the cups, carrying them to the lad.

"Anything special planned for today?" Zayn asked after thanking her for the coffee, taking a sip from the warm substance.

"Nah not really. It's my day off" Liam said and sat down in the love seat, crossing her legs.

"You wanna hang out?" Zayn asked her while wiggling his eyebrows, grinning.

The brunette giggled at that and rolled her eyes, nodding her head gently. "I'd like that."

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