43 | Adam

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A/n : my first texting story called Texting love

A/n : my first texting story called Texting love

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Cover credit worshipayne ❤️


43 - The confession

Adam walked through the doors of the police department, taking off his jacket as he looked around, noticing that not a single police officer was here, which relived him. After today, he just wanted to get this over with.

He walked over to his desk, sitting down on his chair and grabbed the file, opening it. His eyes were set on the picture of her, biting his lip as he felt the tears form in his eyes.

He sighed softly and rubbed at his eyes, looking around until he noticed a little girl sitting on the bench in front of the Chiefs office, narrowing his eyebrows.

Adam stood up from where he was sitting, slowly making his way towards the girl. "Hi there, what are you doing here all alone?" He asked and slowly kneeled down in front of her.

The girl looked at the police officer, stopping her legs from dangling. "My mummy said I should come here to make a confession." She hummed and looked around the room.

"What kind of confession sweetheart?" The man narrowed his eyebrows at her. "About the car accident last week." The six year old replied, tilting her head at him.

The man froze at that. "What did you see?" He asked her carefully.

"Um there was a black rover parked beside mine and my mums house and there was this man waiting in it until another car arrived by the stop light and then he started driving towards it." The girl explained shyly, looking down at her lap. "Did you see the license plate?" He asked and quickly stood up, grabbing a note pad and pen from a random desk.

"I think it was DH3 56." The police officer scrambled with the pen before he wrote down the number, nodding his head with a big smile. "Thank you so much sweetheart you just saved the day." He patted her leg and stood up, heading to the back to run the license plate.


"Has he confessed anything yet?" Adam asked with his arms crossed over his chest as he watched the man on the other side of the window, his muscles tensing as the rage ran through his veins.

"Not yet sir." Officer Michaels told him, releasing a soft sigh as she went through the suspects files.

The bald haired man nodded his head, his eyes still set on Daren as he looked around the small room. His jaw clenched, his hands balling into fists. He knew from the beginning that it wasn't a simple car accident. It was a planned hit and run and Adam will make sure the man will go to hell for it. "I'm going in." He said and looked at the other officer. "Turn off the security camera and get out of here. It's not going to be pretty."

"Don't do anything you will regret." Officer Michaels told him, giving him a look. "Trust me, I won't regret it." Adam walked out of the room before entering the other, slamming the door close which caused the other man to jump in surprise.

"Oh hello officer." Daren smirked up at him, leaning himself against the chair. "How are you on this fine evening?"

"Don't even start." Adam scoffed and walked up to him. "Where were you on Saturday one week ago?" He asked him and leaned himself on his hand on the table.

"I was simply at home." Daren shrugged his shoulder and chuckled, licking his lips. "There's no use in lying. We have a witness who gave us the license number of your car, prick. So just confess what you did, you sick son of a bitch." Adam spat, his muscles tensing as the anger grew more and more, the ugly smirk never leaving the man's lips.

"Alright then. I confess, I did it. And you know what? I enjoyed every second of it." Daren leaned himself over the table, looking up at the police officer. And before he knew it, his face was slammed hard on the table, a small crack to be heard.

"Ah shit." He cursed and pulled back once Adam removed his hand, his nose aching. The blood started oozing out. "You can't just do that." He spat at him, Adam rolling his eyes.

"Trust me, Daren, I can do a lot more things to you." He said and chuckled dryly. "Why the hell did you even do it? Don't you know you took away someone's daughter? Someone's friends? Someone's fucking lover!? And all because you couldn't have her as yours. How sick can someone be to go ahead and kill an innocent pregnant woman who did nothing to you. And don't say because she hurt you. Because you have harassed her ever since she worked at the diner. she didn't want you and she never would have wanted you. She was happy with Zayn, she was about to settle down and you took all of that away from her, you took away my best friend!" Adam screamed and slammed his fists on the table, before moving away.

Daren just shrugged his shoulders. "I don't honestly care. She deserved it." He smirked up at the taller man.

Adam balled his hands into fists but he decided not to let the anger take the best of him. He walked to the door and opened it but stopped before he walked out. "You know, I have no idea what's wrong with you, but I hope you get beat up in prison. And I'll make sure of it that no officer will help you." He looked back at him over at him and exited the room.

"Make sure he gets locked up good." The bald headed man looked at officer Michaels before passing her, grabbing his things.

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