20 | Zayn

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20 - Halloween

It was Halloween. The moon was full and shining down on dark streets of Manhattan, the stars sparkling behind the dark clouds. All kinds of children were prancing around, getting their candy from house to house, their parents tagging along so they'd be save.

In the past two weeks, Zayn and Liam have been spending all their time together, having endless sêx(after Liam's period was finally over), going on their dates and getting to know more and more. Zayn found out all the things Liam wanted to do. Like traveling the world, opening her own diner called Payne's flapjacks, the name may be silly but her pancakes are the bomb if Zayn is honest, he laughed at her because of the name but made it up to her as well.

Today was the day of the party, they agreed on it as their ninth date, which means there was only one more date left until the big decision. Zayn had the tenth date already planned out for them, knowing exactly what to do. They've almost known each other for a whole month now, and practically know everything about each other. He was happy he had found Liam, even thinking about the day they first met made him smile.

The man fixed his pirate costume, putting on the eyepatch before grabbing his hat with the long dark wig glued onto it. He tied his hair into a ponytail before placing it on top of his head, humming softly. The man adjusted the wig and looked over at snowflake who was watching her owner.

"You like it?" He asked her, grinning at his kitten. Snowflake just turned around on the sheets, meowing. "You wanna join the party tonight? I feel bad for keeping you alone here all the time. I also need a replacement for the parrot" Zayn chuckled and walked up to her after fixing the loose shirt and leather vest, picking up the small kitten.

Snowflake meowed and clawed herself in the dark leather of his vest once he had her placed on his shoulder, purring when she rubbed her head against the side of his stubbled cheek.

Zayn smiled and scratched her head, bopping her nose before walking out the room. He checked his Rolex and hummed softly, heading out his apartment after making sure all the lights were out.

He headed towards Liam's apartment, ringing the doorbell and looked up at snowflake who was laying lazily on his shoulder making him chuckle softly. He could already hear the loud music and talking from the other side of the door, guessing the apartment was full.

The door opened few seconds later, revealing Liam and a huge party behind her. He looked up, his breath hitching. Liam was wearing a tight leather suit which suited her curves just perfectly. The zipper on the front of the suit was zipped down low, her cleavage showing perfectly and that's when he noticed she wasn't wearing a bra. Her hair was a big curly mess, cat ears hidden underneath it. She was wearing a black mask with silver whiskers and a silver nose. She had a fluffy black tail hanging loosely from her lower back.

"You like my costume?" Zayn licked his lips and smirked, stepping toward her. He wrapped one arm around her waist and kicked the door close, pressing their lips hard together.

Liam released a soft moan at that, wrapping her arms around his neck, being careful not to pushed snowflake off his shoulder. "I'll take that as a yes then" She whispered once they pulled away, biting her lip.

"Definitely" Zayn smirked and checked her out. "You're a naughty girl for not wearing a bra underneath that, you know that?" He whispered lowly into her ear, feeling Liam grasp at his vest.

"Mm but I'm your naughty girl Daddy" Liam purred and smirked, gasping softly when Zayn's bucked his hips against hers.

"You wanna get a drink first before heading upstairs?" Liam tilted her head back a slight, her eyes fluttering close at the soft kisses. "That'd be great. Any place where I can put snow in?" Zayn asked and nipped at her birthmark before pulling away to look up at her.

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