44 | Zayn

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44 - Walking down memory lane

"Zayn, put the camera out of my face."

"Oh come on babe, you look beautiful."

"I look like a ghost. Now put that thing out of my face."

"Stop being so stubborn and insecure and let me see that beautiful face of yours baby, come on."

"I hate you."

"There you go baby, look at that smile. So pretty."

"You're such a dork."

"I know, but I'm your dork."

"Go away."

"You really want me to go?"


"Okay then I'll just leave."


"Oh so now you want me to stay?"

"Yes, now get that fine ass over here and kiss me, you dork."

The dark haired man smiled softly through his tears as he watched the video that he took of Liam in the Bahamas. She just woke up from a long night, but was too stubborn to show her face. Even if she may had looked like a ghost, Zayn always found her beautiful.

He remembered that trip so well, Liam looked like she was the happiest girl in the world, her eyes always admiring the beach and the beautiful sunsets each day. He remembered their hot nights of love making in their hotel room or even on the beach, just enjoying each other's love and presence. It was beautiful and felt so amazing.

For the past two days, Zayn had spent his time going through all the pictures and videos the couple took at their trip around the world. He's still been balling his eyes out at the beautiful memories they had made, the fun they had and the love they shared.

He sighed, grabbing his beer bottle and taking a big swig from it. He used his forearm to wipe his eyes, sniffling softly before he looked over the different pictures.

All these memories just came flowing back to his mind, those happy moments they shared together. He huffed, placing his empty bottle down. He looked back at he tv, rubbing his jaw slowly while licking his lips.

He turned it off after grabbing the remote, his eyes moving around the empty apartment soon setting on the piano. The man slowly rose up from where he was sitting, heading to it and sat down on the bench. Liam's note book was still sitting there, open. He remembered how she used to sit there, trying to finish her song she was working on, but she never finished. She's never going to get another chance of finishing it.

His fingertips brushed along the keys, his eyes set on the different chords and the lyrics she had write with it, slowly starting to play the song.

Both snowflake and Watson turned their attention towards their owner, carefully listening to the beautiful sound of the piano. "Yes... I do... I believe... That one day I will be, where I was, right there. R-right next to you..." He started to sing the Sam Smith so softly, his voice cracking in the end.

His fingers started to play with so much passion, the anger, the sadness, the hurt flowing out. "Can I lay by your side? Next to you, you." The tears rolled down his stained tanned cheeks once again, his vision getting so blurry that he couldn't see anything anymore.

He then just slammed his fingers down on the different keys, a loud, ugly sound echoing through the loft causing both the animals to suddenly jump in surprise. It was then when he started to cry so hard, wanting nothing more but to feel his lovers arms wrap around him, and assure him everything was going to be fine. He still wanted it to be a dream. Nothing more but a meaningless nightmare. But it was none of those. It was reality. And reality was a fûcking bitch.

His heart was aching in his chest, his mind kept spinning around. His lip was trembling, the different hurtful emotions just pulsing through his veins, his muscles tensing and relaxing. It was still so hard. It still hurt. It felt like a million knives were still being plunged in his skin, trying to end him but he just kept going.

For him, it was hard to hold on. To hold onto something that wasn't even worth anymore. But he still tried to stay strong for her, to keep going and not give up. But it wasn't his heart that told him that, it was his mind.

And for some reason, he was slowly listening to what his heart was telling him...


Short and sad but here you go 😭

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