35 | Liam

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35 - Home sweet home and announcements

One year and three months later

"Finally, home sweet home." Liam sighed in relief as she walked through the front door into the huge apartment, Watson and snowflake immediately running after.

It's been a year and three months. That's how long the world tour went. Liam felt like the happiest person in the world as she was allowed to explore every single inch of the world. Through planes, bus rides, road trips and ships. And every day she thanked Zayn for that Christmas gift.

Through the time they traveled, Liam changed a bit. She got thicker and more beautiful. Her skin was now a beautiful sun kissed tan and her hair was now cut short till her shoulders, even a little shorter than that, and more curly.

She turned around when she heard Zayn's deep and breathless chuckle come from behind her, giggling as she watched him struggle with all the luggages. "Remind me why we have these many suitcases?" He asked and groaned as he stood up straight, stretching himself a little. "Because you went ahead and created a spoiled brat." Liam said, her voice in a duh tone as she walked up to him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"You know you shouldn't spoil me that much, yet you went ahead." She chuckled and ran her hand down his stubbled jaw, missing the scruffiness of his beard. Zayn decided to trim the beard when they arrived in Europe, even though Liam kept protesting for him not to do it. He did it anyways.

"Well, the more you deny it, the more I want to spoil you." Zayn hummed, placing a hand on the small of her back. The brunette rolled her eyes fondly at him, smiling. "You're unbelievable, but I love you because of it." She got on her toes and pecked his lips, squealing when the man suddenly picked her up from the floor.

"Mm I love you too my soon to be wife." He grinned up at her, dropping both of them on the couch. Liam laughed softly and cupped his cheeks, pressing their lips together. "I still can't believe we're going to get married soon." It came out more as a squeak than she actually wanted to.

Zayn proposed to her in Paris, the one place she always wanted to get engaged at. And it was even more special when Zayn rented the top floor of the Eiffel Tower for them, with a candlelit dinner and the beautiful view of the city of love and lights. It was a special night. That and they spent the rest of the night making love. They left for New York three days later and now here they were, back in their apartment and finally, after so long of waiting, they were engaged.

"I know." Zayn smiled and dipped his head down, kissing her neck. "Can't wait to finally knock you up." He teasingly bit at her neck, the brunette scoffing at him.

"Oh please. I think you already knocked me up after how many times of unprotected sêx we had." She chuckled and ran her fingers through his short hair, kissing his head.

"Guilty." Zayn smiled innocently up at her, lifting her shirt up. "I wouldn't mind seeing you with a bump." He said softly, pressing soft kisses to her squishy stomach.

Liam smiled down at him and hummed softly in reply, her eyes fluttering close as she enjoyed her fiancés soft kisses. People could really tell by now that she was madly in love with this beautiful and kind hearted man.

"We should better get going baby... I want to surprise them in the diner." She said softly and gently pushed him off of her, chuckling when he pouted.

"We just came home after a long year and you don't want to stay in?"

"No. I'd rather tell my best friends that I'm getting married." Liam giggled softly and stood up, fixing her shirt.

Zayn groaned and huffed, staying on the couch. "This is not healthy." He mumbled and closed his eyes for a second, groaning once against when he felt Watson jump on him.

Liam laughed softly at that and tied her hair into a ponytail, humming at them as the giant dog dropping himself on top of the British man.



The brunette was immediately tackled into a tight hug the minute she stepped into the diner, a soft uff falling from her lips. "You left me all alone for a fucking year you bitch." Liam chuckled softly at that, hugging her best friend back.

"You weren't all alone." She said, giggling as she earned a slap on her chest. "Yes, I was." Natasha scoffed and pouted, pushing her away.

Her eyes suddenly landed on a shiny object on the brunettes finger, making her gasp in shock. "Zayn fucking Malik you finally proposed!" She squealed and jumped up and down on her feet as she grabbed Liam's hand, staring at the ring. "Oh my god that thing is fûcking big." She examined the jewelry, Liam smiling widely.

"I'm getting married." Both of the girls started squealing, luckily being the only ones along with the boys in the diner.

"I thought he would chicken out but guess he didn't." Natasha's eyes were still set on the ring. "I want a ring too." She frowned and looked up at her best friend, the brunette chuckling.

"If me and Zayn don't work out I promise the first thing I'll do is propose to you." Liam winked at her and chuckled, grinning over at the dark haired man who shot her a look.

"Excuse me, I beg to differ." He playfully cleared his throat and swooped in, wrapping an arm around his lovers waist. "You and me will work out because we share true love." He pointed out, bopping her nose with his index finger.

Liam rolled her eyes at him and giggled. "That's what you think." She smiled innocently up at him, hearing oohing from Adam and Natasha.

"Oh so is that how we gonna act like now?" Zayn rose a brow at her and looked down, squeezing her hip. "Keep up the act and I won't be as gentle as I planned on actually being tonight." He whispered into her ear, it coming more out as a growl than it should have.

The brunette shivered at that and bit down her bottom lip. "That actually sounds really good." She smirked up at him, Zayn chuckling at her.

"Okay, save the dirty talk for later when you two are fucking like a pair of bunnies. Right now, let's concentrate on the important things, like, celebrating the fact that our precious Liam is finally getting married!" Natasha interrupted their charming moment, grinning widely at the two before she slapped her hand on Adams chest. "Get the cake."

"What? Why am I supposed to get the cake? You're the waitress here." Adam scoffed and shook his head.

"Unless you want me to stick your toothbrush into the toilet again I suggest you get the cake officer."

"Wait, what do you mean with again?"

"Oh right I forgot to tell you stank breath. I but your toothbrush into the toilet. I warned you not to touch my food."

"Ew oh my god, Tasha!"

"You deserved it. Now move that fine ass of yours."

The man rolled his eyes and jumped when Natasha slapped his ass, giving her a glare before heading behind the counter.

The couple watched the two and chuckled before taking their seats. "I definitely missed this." Zayn admitted and smiled down at his fiancé. "Me too." Liam hummed in agreement and leaned herself against the man, watching her two best friends bickering.


If any of you still have questions, you can ask them in chapter 30, I'll be posting the answers to the Q&A later on tonight, so if any of you still want to ask something, go ahead.

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