21 | Liam

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21 - The flight to Texas

"Zayn, babe, calm down. You'll be fine" Liam chuckled softly and grabbed Zayn's shaking hand, looking at him.

The couple were seated in the plane, off to Texas to visit Liam's family for thanksgiving. Zayn was a nervous wreck, his palms were sweaty and his heart was racing. "How did you survive the flight from England to New York?" The brunette chuckled softly and rubbed his bicep calmly, kissing his shoulder.

"My seat was beside an old man who talked to me the whole flight through, which distracted me from the fact that we were thousands of feet off the ground."

"Baby, deep breaths" Liam giggled and kissed his cheek. "Nothing will happen. You'll be fine" She said softly and rubbed his tense shoulder.

Zayn nodded his head, chewing nervously on his bottom lip, Liam pulling it out from his teeth with her thumb. "Don't do that" She whispered and turned his head, kissing his lips softly. "You know I don't like the taste of blood while I'm kissing you" She chuckled, Zayn smiling softly at that.

"I may have a idea how to distract you later" She grazed her teeth over his bottom lip, intertwining their fingers once she ran her had down his arm.

"Oh really?" Zayn smirked at that, resting his forehead against hers. "How so?"

"Mm might involve the small bathroom down the aisle" The brunette hummed, sucking on his bottom lip. She was glad that the plane had only two seats on each side of the Windows, the couple being lucky to have gotten a double seat in the back.

"Sounds tempting" Zayn chuckled deeply, looking into her eyes. Liam smirked and pulled away, pecking his lips. "Why don't you distract me now?"

"Too soon" Liam chuckled and got her hand bag from off the floor, crossing her legs. "You know I can't wait that long, especially when you're wearing that short dress..." Zayn mumbled lowly, leaning towards her as Liam got out a magazine, about to attack her neck with kisses.

Liam placed her palm on his forehead and pushed his face away, rolling her eyes at his puckered lips. "Safe it for later lover boy"

Zayn huffed. "C'mon baby" He gave her his puppy eyes, sticking his bottom lip out. Liam glanced at him and grabbed his jaw gently, pecking his lips. "Sorry cutie, but you gotta wait until everyone's asleep." She smirked and caressed his beard before turning her attention to her magazine, hearing Zayn mumbled something under his breath.


Liam woke up to one of the flight attendees talking to Zayn, making her slightly shift from her uncomfortable position.

"Sir? There's a phone call for you"

"From who?"

"A Perrie Edwards I believe? She says its urgent" Liam narrowed her eyebrows in confusion at that. Who the hell was Perrie Edwards? Her eyes slowly fluttered open when Zayn told the woman he'll be there in a minute, the sound of a familiar click appearing, telling Liam that the man had just unbuckled himself.

She turned her head once she was sure he was gone, frowning a little. Was he cheating on her? But then again, the two weren't really together, since he hasn't asked her yet.

She felt a little sting in her chest when she thought about the man cheating on her, making her rub a little at the spot. She shook her head and pushed those thoughts aside, getting out her book from her handbag. She tried to get her mind off of things, running her fingers through her curls.

Ten minutes later, Zayn came back to his seat, buckling back up. "Since when are you up?" He asked her once he noticed she was awake.

"Since you left your seat" Liam didn't so much glance at him, her eyes set on one page. "Oh, well, I'm here now. And I noticed the passengers are asleep..." Zayn trailed off, placing his hand on her thigh.

"I'm not in the mood Zayn" Liam said and pushed his hand away from her thigh, keeping her eyes on her book.

"What do you mean you're not in the mood? I thought—"

"Yeah you thought" The brunette snapped at him, Zayn slightly pulling away. "What's up with you?" He asked her, raising a brow.

"Nothing, I'm just not in the mood" Liam mumbled and sank in her seat, tugging a strand of her hair behind her ear.

Zayn narrowed his eyebrows in confusion but decided to just leave it, not wanting to start anything and wake the sleeping passengers.

Liam sighed softly and glanced at the man, shaking her head and taking the charm of her necklace into her mouth. A habit of hers whenever she had a fight or just reading the book.


Ohhh I smell drama 👀 

Any ideas to why it was so important that Perrie had to call the plane to talk to Zayn?😌

Short chapter but decided to update anyways since I love you guys.

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