16 | Zayn

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16 - Strawberry week and invitation

"Who was that guy?" Zayn asked once him and Liam entered his apartment, both carrying a grocery bags in each arm.

"His name is Darren. He's been after me ever since I started working at the dinner" Liam explained with a sigh, placing the paper bags on the kitchen counter before dropping her hand bag on the floor.

"So he harasses you?" Zayn asked, raising a brow as he started putting the stuff away. "You could say that" Liam bit her lip and sighed, putting the cold groceries into the fridge.

"Does he touch you inappropriately?" Zayn leaned himself against the counter, watching her.

"No" Liam shook her head. "He hasn't gone that— um that far" She shrugged, Zayn narrowing his eyebrows at her. He stopped her before she could continue putting the stuff away.

"Be honest with me" He looked down at her, giving her a stern look. The brunette tried to avoid his look, biting her lip. "Alright fine. Once or twice he well, slapped my âss and maybe pulled me down on his lap"

"And no matter how many times I put Adam on him and he threatens Darren, he won't fûcking stop" She ran her fingers through her hair, rubbing her face.

"Well, maybe he'll stop now, since he knows you're 'taken'"

"That never stops him. I've talked to multiple girls who have gone through the same, nothing changed" Liam sighed softly and leaned herself against his broad chest.

Zayn ran his fingers through her curls, making sure his rings don't tangle up with them. "Did you actually mean it?" He heard her mumbled against his shirt.

"Mean what?"

"That I'm your lady?" Zayn looked down and met Liam's big brown eyes, making him smile softly. "Well, we did go on a few dates already, and we did have sêx last night and this morning where I marked your body, see there one hickey right there" He pointed to the one near her birthmark. "So yes, I consider you mine" He grinned and pulled her closer, Liam biting her lip at that.

"But you haven't asked me yet" She hummed and rubbed at his chest. "Ah yes. See that's the beauty of waiting darling, I want to make this very special and before we even start with the real deal, we have to make it to our tenth date" Zayn chuckled and pushed her against the counter.

"But I hate waiting" Liam pouted and got on her toes to brush their lips together. "Ah ah ah. We agreed on ten dates sweetheart" The man placed his index finger on her lips when she was about to lean in for a kiss, earning an annoyed groan.

"I hate you"

"No you don't"

"No I don't" Liam sighed and whined softly. "When do we make it official?"

"When we get to our tenth date. Six more left angel" Zayn caressed her cheek with his thumb, chuckling softly at her cute frown.

"So long" She groaned and buried her face into his chest. "They'll go by in a jiffy princess" Zayn rolled his eyes fondly at her, shaking his head with a soft smile.

"Jiffy" Liam mocked him with a British accent, giggling cutely to herself. "I love your accent, so deep and smooth and sexy" She grinned dorky up at him, Zayn chuckling.

"Yeah?" he bend down a little, picking her swiftly up by the thighs and placing her on the counter. Liam giggled and nodded her head, biting her lip. "Yeah" She smiled and pecked his lips a few times, before Zayn finally sealed their lips in a lingering kiss together.

"Ow..." Zayn suddenly heard her mumble, quickly pulling away. "What's wrong? Am I hurting you?"

"No no" Liam shook her head, grimacing. "My, my stomach just hurts" She said quietly and rubbed at her lower groin, Zayn glancing down at her.

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