17 | Liam

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17 - Morning breath and face time lovers

"Mom I'm telling you, you're gonna love him. He's so amazing and dreamy" Liam sighed dreamily, looking over her shoulder at Zayn's sleeping body. The couple fell asleep on the couch last night, after having a wonderful cuddle evening with eating all the sweets and watching all the new marvel movies.

"It's so nice to hear that you finally found someone honey. How long have you known him?"

"Well, it's been around a few weeks now, but it feels like years" The brunette giggled softly, rubbing Zayn's chest. "He's charming, sweet and so talented. And he knows what a woman wants mum and his voice. God don't even get me started on that"

She heard her mother chuckle softly on the other end of the line. "Well if it's true with how you're describing him, why don't you take him with when you visit us again? I would love to meet him"

"Of course mommy" Liam smiled and turned around so her back was facing Zayn's body. "I think he would love to meet you guys"

"Good. He sounds lovely sweetie"

"Oh he is, so lovely and such a gentleman" Liam hummed and bit her lip when she felt the left side of the couch shift a little and strong arms wrap around her waist. She glanced over her shoulder to see Zayn lazily pressing kisses down the sweater that was covering her shoulder blade.

"I have to go now sweetie, I'll call you later alright?"

"Yeah, bye mum"

"Bye sweetie, I love you"

"Love you too" Liam smiled softly and hung up the call first, placing the phone on the night stand beside her. "Morning babe" She tilted her head to the side and smiled at the showering kisses she was receiving.

"Morning" Zayn's voice was deep and raspy, making shivers run down the girls spine. She has always loved his morning voice.

"You know I love your morning voice so much" She moaned softly as Zayn sucked at one of the faded hickeys on the back of her neck. "I know" The man mumbled, rubbing at her stomach.

"How did you sleep?" He murmured softly into her hair, burying his nose into and inhaling the sweet scent of Apple shampoo. "These cramps killed me but other then that, good since I was in your arms" Liam giggled, turning around to face Zayn, that's when she noticed he was about to lean down but she stopped him. "Morning breath" She grinned, sticking her tongue out before standing up and stretching her sore limbs.

Zayn groaned and dropped his head into the pillows once she was gone, mumbling something into it which Liam couldn't quite get. She just shrugged at that and chuckled softly. She stood up, but was pulled back down on the couch, making her squeal.

"Never stopped me" Zayn said while wrapping his arms around her waist. Before she could protest, her lips were sealed with Zayn's, making her let out a muffled squeak. She soon melted into the kiss and snatched her arms around his neck, running her fingers through his dark locks.

"Mm you're right. Your morning breath is awful" She heard Zayn mumbled against her lips, making her slap his head hard and push him away.

"Gee, thanks âsshole" She grumbled and stood up again, walking away from the couch. She rolled her eyes when she heard Zayn's loud laughter.

She chuckled to herself and shook her head, walking into the bathroom to freshen up a little. She grimaced when her stomach started churning a little, frowning at the pain she was feeling. She hated having her period. But then again, most girls and women do.

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