Katniss Everdeen and the Chamber of Secrets

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What a morning! First, you had to take a portkey from Panem to Platform 9 �, then you got stuck in a car with Lavender Brown and the Patil twins. It's not that they aren't kind. They're just annoying! Everything about them is boys and hair ribbons and rainbows. That's just not who you are. You have to get away from them now that the train has left the station. 

You find the Weasley twins packed in a car with two equally ginger siblings; an older boy and a younger girl. You were hoping to talk Quidditch strategy for this season, but another topic is already on full blast when you arrive. 

"You'll never believe what happened!" One twin, whom you believe to be Fred calls out to you, waving his arms frantically. "Our little brother is probably being hunted down by Aurors as we speak!" 

"Some discretion, please!" Their older brother, a stuffy prefect named Percy, whispers sharply. "We don't need this incident tarnishing the family in such a public fashion!" 

"No worries, Perce," George quips. "You've done enough tarnishing for all of us!" He snaps his head back toward you before Percy responds. "Anyway, ickle Ronnekins came to King's Cross, but never showed up on the platform once the rest of the family came through. Our Dad searched for a bit around the platform while our Mum checked the station. Just before the train left, Mum came back hollering that their car was gone--" 

"Their flying car!" Fred interjects. 

"So now it seems our little brother fancies himself a bit of a criminal! How scandalous!" 

Though you outwardly smile and joke with the twins for a few more moments, your gut sinks from the second you hear the news. You still don't know exactly what happened at the end of last year with Ron, Harry, and their friend Hermione, but you can't helping wondering if this dilemma has anything to do with that one. You learned all about Harry's fame in History of Magic last year, but you don't see how that could have anything to do with their present situation. 

You feel tense as you step off the train. Are Harry and Ron here yet? Are they safe? Will they be expelled from Hogwarts? The twins didn't seem worried, but you are. You think of what would happen if you were expelled from Hogwarts. It couldn't be a much better outcome for Harry or Ron. 

Suddenly, you feel determined to help somehow. You take your unmanned carriage ride to the castle. You shuffle through the entrance with all the other students. But before everyone enters the Great Hall, you slip away and seek back outside. There's got to be somewhere you can hide while you wait for Harry and Ron to arrive. Then you can sneak them back to safety. 

You're considering a particularly wild, unpleasant looking rosebush when an orange cat darts by, heading straight toward the Whomping Willow. You pity the poor thing for being stupid enough to walk into the vicious tree's path, but then again, you've never been very fond of orange cats. Unexpectedly, the cat weaves expertly through the swinging branches and presses into paw on a knot in the wood, making the limbs stop suddenly. 

The cat turns back to you, almost beckoning before it disappears in a hole in the tree. Should that be your hiding spot? 

Should you:

A.) Hide in the rosebushes?

B.) Hide in the Whomping Willow?

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