Battle [The End]

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You fight ferociously -- and sucessfully, since you've gained a ton of practical experience taking out President Snow and Coin. Really, you might even be the best witch in the universe.

Unfortunately, just as you're united with Fred Weasley, Dolores Umbridge appears on the scene, and winds up her wand to kill Fred.

You summon every bit of force you can muster and strike that bitch Dolores Umbridge down!.

"I WILL tell lies -- lies that are truths!" you shout as you hit her.

Unfortunately, a part of her spell does hit Fred Weasley ... and for a moment, you fear he could be dead. But no, it only hit his ear. Now, he and George are BOTH earless!

The same could not be said for Harry's "brother" Dudley Dursley. How he even ended up at Hogwarts, you have no idea, but he was killed in the battle, causing indescribable grief to his parents Vernon and Petunia.

The best news of all is that Harry beats Voldemort! You meet up with him afterward, the two of you remembering very well what happened sixth year. Then, looking over at Ginny, Harry says, "We'll always have that one night on Felix Felicis," and you nod, smiling. Perhaps you could have made a great pair, but you know you'll be friends for life. 

As for Fred, you do have some feelings for him, but just because he makes you laugh and carries a sweet disposition underneath, you don't think it could work in the long-term. 

"I'll always miss you," he says smiling, before turning to George about some new joke product. You love those Weasley twins! 

With that settled, you decide to go back to your childhood home in District 12 to relax and take everything in. You know this District 12 will be a whole lot different, and that's all because of you. 


Wow, District 12 is so much different! When you arrive, everyone is so happy to see you, and they eat food in plenty. You may have lost Prim, but you saved all of Panem. You will have to be satisfied with that.


Still, something feels missing in your life. You want to feel someone's touch every day and be loved, and your heart is just bursting for someone. If only he would come and prove he's worthy of your affections!


You considered one of your own -- Gale Hawthorne -- but deep down, you always knew your heart was won over that day Draco Malfoy asked you to dance at the Yule Ball. 

You'll never know why he loved you so much, but through you, he became a much better person. Sure, he may never be best friends with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, but he's so much nicer to them, and he even risks getting disowned by his parents to marry you. 

Whenever you see him, you think of dandelions -- and after all the tragedy you've faced in life, you need dandelions. 


Many years later, after so many seasons filled with the warmest affection and an infinite supply of incredible adventures, it gives you the greatest pleasure to see your own adorable daughter go off to Hogwarts. 

"I want to be a Gryffindor like mom," she tells Draco, who pretends to be hurt. Of course, Draco has been nothing like a Slytherin since he fell for you. 

"No matter what you are, we'll be so proud, Prim Rue Malfoy," you say, and you give her a huge hug and a kiss as she carts her way through Platform 9 3/4. 

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