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Although she has a quirky manner that has resulted in people adopting the nickname Looney for her, you are fond of Luna. She kind of reminds you of her friend Madge for some reason, just more strange. 

Maybe thats why you felt like you cant trust her when she tells you the thestrals are safe. She even has one of them eat a fish straight out of her hand.


You travel to the Ministry and end up in the Department of Mysteries. Interestingly, some of your Gryffindor friends are there, too!


The one with the power to vanquish President Snow approaches... born to those who have jabbed the mocked-- but never hanged, born where the twlfth district resides... and President Snow will mark her as his tribute, but she will have fire the President knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can eat berries while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish President Snow will be born where the twelfth district desides.

Neither can eat berries while the other survives? 

What does that mean? 

No matter how much you ponder those soothsaying words, you feel just as lost. Next year, you will seek out Professor Dumbledore and find out. All you want to do right now is go home and let it all sink in. 

But before you do, you notice three parchments waiting for you as you board the train from Hogwarts. 

Think of me this summer, Katniss, for I will be thinking deeply of you.

Yours, Draco

You're awesome Everdeen!

FW (who looks like GW)

We think you're a great witch, Katniss!

H, H, and R, but especially Harry

A flood of memories circuits through your mind and you smile. 


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