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"Christmas party?" Dean asks. 

You nod with a friendly smile. You figured that since Dean Thomas asked you to the Yule Ball, that maybe he can return the favor and accompany you to Professor Slughorn's Christmas party. 

Professor Slughorn considers you very adept in his Potions class and finds Panem a very interesting place, so he invited you to be in the Slug Club. You felt honored, even though you aren't sure what it means to be in the Slug Club, but you figure it's something good. 

"Just as friends, of course, you understand. Right?" you say, to make sure he knows you're not trying to woo him after he had just broken up with Ginny Weasley. 

"Right! Sure, why not?" Dean says. 

You actually would have preferred to ask someone else, but the boy you meant to ask (Fred isn't even at Hogwarts, so you don't mean that jokester) seems to be avoiding you. You're not one to try and chase boys, especially him, as some other girls are apt to doing, so you just let him be, knowing that if he wants to talk to you, he will know where to find you. 

When the Christmas party comes around, you agree to walk down with Hermione Granger. You find it amusing that she actually asked Cormac McLaggen to the party, but you don't judge her. She told you herself that she finds him vile, but asked him to spite some other guy, although she didn't say who exactly. She's actually dreading the thought of being alone in a room with Cormac, let alone a party with dozens of other people. 

Hermione walks next to you down the corridor, trying to avoid touching Cormac at all. But when you get to the party room, she sees Harry and makes her way towards him. You and Dean go over to talk to some other Slug Club members, but not before thinking to yourself: When Harry decides to dress up, he's really not bad-looking. 

You see Luna there with him, her face as radiant as it's ever been. She looks absolutely lovely! 

There are a lot of fascinating guests at this event. There's even a vampire there named Sanguini, but he keeps mostly to himself, and there's one boy who talks and eats at the same time so you can barely understand what he's saying. 

Then, something completely unexpected happens!! 

Fred Weasley -- making a surprise visit from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes -- crashes the Christmas party.

And Draco Malfoy, unable to control himself, also shows up at the Slug Club gathering. The two of them get into a war of words over ... you??? 


Things get heated as Fred and Draco both swear their undying affections for you.

You don't know what to say, so all you can think to do is run away. Over the next few weeks, you avoid Draco as much as possible and never see Fred, since he no longer attends Hogwarts. 

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