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"Use your wand!" shrieks Greasy Sae. 

You drop your bow and arrows to the ground and pull out your wand. You vaguely remember someone explaining how one destroys a skrewt by casting jinxes on it. 


You get the skrewt's attention, and since youre so close to the justice building, it charges towards you and you dodge it just in time. The skrewt crashes into the side of the steps outside the building, disorienting it. You see its soft underside and cast jinxes on it until you're sure its dead.

You may be the hero of District 12, but the Magic of Ministry sends a mockingjay with a note, telling you that youve been suspended from Hogwarts-- pending a hearing at the Ministry of Magic.


"London is so diverting!" you exclaim to yourself, taking in the sights of the city. As you realize the time, you run through the streets and see someone who looks terribly similar to Barty Crouch Jr. go into a police box. 

When you finally get to the Ministry of Magic (could this be your chance to fulfill Rue's prophecy??), an Auror named Kingsley Shacklebot guides you to where you need to go. Headmaster Dumbledore is already there waiting. Dumbledore goes in with you, and luckily, the investigator is someone named Doge, who is apparently on very good terms with Dumbledore. 

"No worries, dear Miss Everdeen! I received an owl from Greasy Sae explaining the whole situation in your district. Your charges have been cleared and you're free to go back to Hogwarts!" Doge explains. 

You thank him and leave, but not before he tells you to give Greasy Sae a big, big hug and to tell her it's from  Elphy.' He even gives a nod and winks at you afterwards. You agree to do so and try not to think too much into it.

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