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You couldn't be more excited to be in Gryffindor. You don't know much about the house other than what the Sorting Hat has sung out, but the other students are cheering and smiling as you approach their table. 

The names and faces being sorted blur by as you take in your surroundings. The Great Hall is cavernous and majestic with floating candles in the air and a ceiling lit up like a crystal clear night sky. A full feast appears before in the blink of an eye. Who ever thought that you could be magical and end up in a place like this, so far from the grim reality of District 12? 

Your dorm is lovely and you find most of your classes agreeable enough, though you wish you had a bow and arrow to shoot straight at Professor Snape. Even Greasy Sae, the most skilled stew-maker you know, couldn't cook up a potion that would satisfy him. You study hard, knowing that without developing your magical powers to their maximum potential, you won't be able to go back to District 12 and change it for the better. 

All the studying in the world won't make up for the one thing you lack: companionship. This adventure isn't about making friends. It's about trying to save Panem. The closest you've come to friendship so far is studying next to a bushy-haired girl named Hermione Granger, who you've only known to do three things: study, correct others, and cry in bathrooms. But there has to be something to do while you're here. 

Finally, an announcement in the common room just after dinner one chilly night gives you inspiration. 

"Oi! Listen up!" Oliver Wood, the Quidditch captain, calls out to the raucous crowd entering the portrait hole. "We've got Quidditch tryouts coming up this Saturday. This year s going to be a bit different! Alicia Spinnet had an unfortunate incident with the Giant Squid last week, so we'll be looking for a new chaser as well as a new seeker. Due to the enormous lack of talent we saw at last year's tryouts, we'll also be allowing first years to take a shot!" 

You don't know anything about this game called Quidditch other than it takes place in an arena with everyone watching your every move. For some reason, that thought gives you a chill. Something about arenas gets you every time. Oh, and there's flying, which you've never done before. 

You study until the crowd thins down, then walk over to the closest window to get a peek at the Quidditch pitch. Your thirst for adventure takes hold. You will be on this team. You have to be. 

Now, the hard part of figuring out which position you'll go for... 

You should:

A.) Try out for Gyffindor chaser?

B.) Try out for Gryffindor seeker?

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