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Towards the end of the semester, there's a strange night when Professor Slughorn calls you into his office. 

"Katniss Everdeen," he says. "I have something special for you to drink." And he hands you a vial of liquid. 

Before he can stop you, you quickly imbibe the whole thing. 

"No, wait!" he mutters when it's too late. "That was Felix Felicis for you to bring back to Panem, to help District 12." Taking a deep sigh, he adds, "I guess you'll just have to be lucky now." 

Strange sensations come over you, and then suddenly an idea occurs to you. You have no idea why. 

"Professor Slughorn!" you exclaim. "Did you know there are some valuable plants they use in herbology? I bet you could take some for yourself -- for academic purposes, of course!" 

"What a grand idea!" he says. 

And as he runs off to the plants, you see him meeting Harry there, who looks like he's a little bit drunk, too. 

Something tells you to watch them from a distance. It must be the Felix talking. After they visit Hagrid's hut, you notice a plate of cake resting on the ground. Someone must have left it for someone, but you don't know who. 

Your instinct says to eat it. You do. 

Suddenly, Harry reemerges and he looks like the most amazing, extraordinary, handsome man you've ever known. You've been struck by a love potion! 


You approach Harry and reveal these sudden, intense feelings you have for him. The two of you, both under the influence of Felix Felicis, have one of the most wonderful nights ever known to man, wizard or vampire! 


Unfortunately, your wonderful night with Harry Potter becomes quickly forgotten. Harry goes off with Dumbledore to find a horcrux and you get the WORST news possible, delivered by a frantic Hermione Granger.

"I'm so sorry," Hermione says, crying into her robes. "I just received word from Panem. There was a note from an owl. Urgent. Your sister Prim was reaped for The Hunger Games and passed away." 

You burst into tears as you comprehend that you will never see your little sister again.


May the heavens beware the wrath you will unleash on President Snow and his Hunger Games, for what he has done.

"I'm not going to Hogwarts next year," you tell your friends, the anger and venom ever present in your voice. 

You and Harry wish each other well on your individual quests and prepare for the upcoming battle to end all battles. 


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