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Much laughter ensues when the new "Crookshanks" starts hissing at his "owner" Hermione, and the new "Buttercup" seems interested in nothing but chasing rats in District 12. Prim misses her old friends.


Order is restored to the world, except when Buttercup surprises you by licking your hand when you pet him. In the meantime, Crookshanks goes right after Scabbers again.


"I'm telling you, it's impossible!" You try to speak sternly, but Fred and George have had you and the rest of the Quidditch team in stitches since dinnertime. "Nobody but Viktor Krum has mastered the Wronski Feint, that's why it's his signature move! Plus, you're not even a seeker!" 

"I'm telling you, I've mastered it!" Fred replies. "I could go out to the pitch and show you right now!" 

"If only it weren't after hours," you sigh. You'd love to see Fred Weasley do a not-so-eloquent faceplant as he imitates your favorite Quidditch player. 

"As if that matters!" George looks around. "Our little brother does it all the time and nothing ever happens to him! What's the worst they'll do, make us write lines in detention?" 

You want to keep in good standing so you can graduate from Hogwarts and save Panem, but George is right. One minor infraction won't get you expelled. You nod your head at the twins and as Fred rushes to get his broom, you know the risk of detention is worth the fun you'll have. But knowing what creatures sometimes travel onto Hogwarts grounds at night, you grab your bow and arrow for extra protection. 

The three of you sneak out the portrait hole and down past the Great Hall without a single sign of any professors or Mrs. Norris. The only ghost you see is Peeves, who deeply bows to Fred and George before continuing on his way. 

The main doors open with a magnificently high creaking squeal, making you rush down the front steps of the castle and hide against a wall. You wait for the sounds of angry footsteps by the castle doors, but instead you're greeted by a keening howl from the opposite direction. 

You and the twins can just barely see it from where you stand: A freakishly shaped wolf howls up at the moon as people all around it begin to scatter. A man on a stretcher seems to disappear into thin air, but then some of the people in the area try to run after a small, scurrying shape on the ground. They're forced to give up their pursuit very quickly to escape the rogue werewolf that's after them. 

The small shape nears you. It's a sizable rat, squeaking and streaking its way across the grounds. Back in Panem, such a rat would equal a decent dinner. If roasted just right, he'd be awfully tasty! 

Should you:

A.) Kill and eat the rat?

B.) Tell a professor about the werewolf?

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