Katniss Everdeen and the Half-Blood Prince

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All summer, you've been pondering what in Panem the prophecy is talking about. The thing with the berries is so very vague. You know something about berries as you studied them from your dad's book, and you know of a few in and around your district that are poisonous. But what berries was the prophecy talking about? So, all summer, you've been avoiding eating berries, sticking to your diet of wild game and edible plants. 

You've also been thinking a lot about your friends at Hogwarts. Memories of your time with a few of them come flooding into your mind, such as when Fred was trying to get you to take a love potion he and George were testing. Luckily, you've learned to watch your step around the twins, what with their proclivity for pranks. Who knows what you would've done had you taken it. And you know many of the Weasley's creations actually do work, almost too well. 

And Fred did write you that nice note � (blush). Why did he and George have to leave Hogwarts?? 


You're a little saddened that you won't be able to have Fred and George around to ease the tension if things get bleak, and you have to admit that things do get bleak here at least one or two times during the year. But you know they just opened their shop at Diagon Alley, so you'll be able to visit them there. 

You also remember when Draco secretly used a healing spell on your hand after your first time in detention with Professor Umbridge. That lunatic. You have to admit, though: The thought of Draco working his magic on your hand makes you flush just a bit. Whether it's his soothing words or that unassuming touch � is it possible to kind of like your sworn enemy? 


You think about what it would be like to talk with Draco about things-- in a world where you can just be who you are, regardless of wealth and what House you're in. Could Draco afford to think like that? 

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