Katniss Everdeen and the Deathly Hallows

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No more Hogwarts, no more confusion about boys. You've spent days drowning yourself in depression after Prim's funeral. People from your district come by to help both you and your mother, but it's weeks before you even speak to another person. 

You think back to when you first got your letter. 

Those were the days.


The time for memories is over. From now on, the only thing on your mind is how to avenge your sister's death.

As you go into the woods, you wonder how it all went wrong. And you can't help but regret all the fun and wonder you've experienced back in Hogwarts. You miss your sister dearly, but you miss your Hogwarts friends, too. You almost wish there was some kind of pill you could take to make things go back to what they were. To some kind of alternate reality where things can be just normal and even mundane. But you know that's not real. 

You look around at the crestfallen citizens. They need your help, too. For too long, President Snow and his cronies have tortured the people of Panem, subjecting them to his tyrannical rule and forcing CHILDREN! to kill each other. You're not the only one who has experienced loss. If you want to avenge Prim, you need to avenge everyone. 

You find the lake where you used to go with your father. It's still beautiful and clear, just like he was. As you look down, overwhelmed with emotion, you see little droplets landing in the cool water beneath you. They must have come from your eyes, but you're too emotionally wounded to notice. 

"Goodbye, dad. Goodbye, Prim," you say, blowing heartfelt kisses into the pristine lake. No more tears. From now on, it's hard, cold, cruel, calculated revenge. 

In the distance, your old hunting friend Gale looks on with a similar anger. And he whispers to himself -- though you can't hear it -- "She looks like she's about to scorch the earth." 

You truly are a girl on fire. And you're ready to leave the Capitol in ashes. 

Should you:

A.) Team up with Gale? 

B.) Take on the Capitol yourself?

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